Dultmeier.com made the above claim that Hamilton was the “first manufacturer of pay stations for automatic car washes in the 1980’s”. I honestly feel that hard to believe. Especially since Mechanical Man made claims that they could be “coin operated” in < 1973. Plus pay vacuums were invented before 1980 so why would a pay station be any harder?
Hamilton ACW 4 and Hamilton ACW 5 s for sale…. I have 6 I believe?
One box I do not have a picture yet. 🙂 I also can sell you computers for your credit card system. I had my Hamilton CRC computer break multiple times and ended up purchasing a couple (8-10). Come to find out! Swapping out the disk on chip chip to a new board fixed my problem.
Anyway I have 4 x Hamilton ACW 4 boxes and 2 x Hamilton ACW 5 boxes with the push and pull credit card. I want $1500 for a working ACW4 and $2500 for an ACW5 with the CRC 13-1105 computer (or whatever part number mine are). I might not have a bill acceptor though. LOL 🙂
Also have other Hamilton parts…. controllers, coin dispensers…. etc.
It seems the “going rate” is $3000 with a “might work” (broken) bill acceptor…. also if you want free shipping…. no problem the price is $3000.
Hamilton E-Controller Gold Line or ACW? Part # 49-9455
This Hamilton E-Controller is absolutely the coolest controller ever! Whatever it does? 🙂
You need it for Hamilton’s RFID System, bonus token acceptor and other stuff? I apparently do not know…. I also could not find any manual for this thing. Retails for over $1000. Purchase this from me…. looks brand new…. is new I assume. 🙂
UPDATE: 20150611 SOLD
UPDATE: 20150608 Todd informed me what this e-controller is…. It is now standard on new Hamilton Goldlines. Also this e-controller replaces the main controller, eic and serial converter for only $1234! Actually a really great deal…. I will sell you this for $650 shipped. Even better deal! 🙂
Hamilton Changer Part 05-0053 – EIC Assembly for Gold Line $1695.00
Hamilton Changer Part 13-1136 – GL-ACW for Gold Line > $2000
Hamilton Changer Part 05-0023 or 13-1164 – Serial To Ethernet Converter $403.00
I do not know which was more exciting to get? :)
American Changer Corp.
I believe American Changer has successfully helped me conclude that you CAN have all your info online and have a bad website. Wow…. But I will help you guys out at American Changer…. send me an email I will seriously redo your site pretty cheap for you (you guys do have a lot of information on the site). I am not kidding just email me…. companies outsource stuff all the time. Also please never use flash or java and do not use the word “Golfing” ever. Or just use Car Washing, Laundering, Transiting/Parking, Card Dispensing Devices, then Golfing. 🙂
They have at least one important and annoying broken link, non standard format, and different formats for different drop down menus pages. But again I hate to “hate” on them because they have all their information online! Very nice! I would like larger pictures though and more pictures. 🙂
UPDATE: When going to American Changers website on my phone I got a message “The page you are trying to view contains malicious content.” So I am guessing either American Changers site is the only site AVG hates or something is wrong with American’s site? Just saying.
Hamilton ACW 4 v1.4 controller Rev. 1 / Rev. 3 or the 2 line display version.
Think you are special because you own a car wash? Oh I know you think you do. :)
Well you are NOT! LOL 🙂 Even you guys that just clean up and are maintain guys…. not special. You know what is annoying…. me having to remind my cleanup guy that I can CLEAN UP! I have that special power! It is actually not hard…. everyday…. well…. very hard! LOL 🙂
But this guy was in front of a Toys R Us at 6:00 with at least 5 bags of household garbage…. Really? He pulled his black Ford Expedition in the emergency lane and just started unloading garbage bags. He put 1-2 in the garbage can and 1 next to the garbage can. (There is another garbage can you can not see to the left of the doors.)
Now…. maybe he thought no one could see him? He did look like a moron? Plus he was wearing camouflage…. he might be confused when camouflage is effective! LOL 🙂 But he was driving a Ford Expedition…. doesn’t that car have a really bad engine with an aluminium motor head?
I also was going to Toys R Us to purchase a gift for my Son…. and my Daughter came. So I missed out talking to General Garbage and no picture of his nice expedition.
IDX BT900 BigTime TwoTimer from Fragramatics Vacuum
This is an IDX timer that is installed in Fragramatics vacuums. I assume by looking at the circuit board it is also meant to hook to your bays also. IDX also sells a stainless steel housing. This timer somehow retails for $711.99…. while a normal IDX BT912 – Big Two Timer retails for $570.00 from KR? I assume GinSan is just…. Well GinSan? 🙂
UPDATE: SOLD…. this was another item I could not believe I had a hard time selling. But I did! LOL 🙂 I would have paid twice as much if I needed the timer…. just to put it on my shelf.
Jim Coleman Swipe & Clean 1032S Timer…. YES a 1032S not 1034S
I have 2 and yes I will sell them. 🙂 You either know exactly what is going on here…. or you are saying what on Earth is this pos timer. LOL 🙂 There is a very small niche market for this time I believe? I know of only 2 Jim Coleman setups where this timer works? I have a hint on one situation below. Do you know both setups? I bet you do not. 🙂 It is like a challenge! I also bet there is not a Dixmor replacement for this timer? I actually have never seen one of these timers until I got it around February this year. But I never saw them at shows or at any car wash. Mainly because Coleman does not bring the equipment these timers are installed in to shows. 🙂
Video timer demo:
UPDATE 20160202: SOLD…. my friend purchased both. Good deal also. 🙂
Did you know that a chop saw would fit under my car? LOL :)
Talking about careless and….. well backing up way to far! LOL 🙂 This was really close…. but yeah I had plenty of room! 🙂
Anyway…. this chop saw seemed very reasonable so…. well I purchased it. (Amazon also had a $20 off coupon on all Dewalt stuff…. you can click the link.) It was a DEWALT D28710 14-Inch Abrasive Chop Saw. I do wish they had some sort of stand for a Bosch 9″ Angle Grinder
…. but all I found was this…. a grinder stand
…. but is looks dangerous and got bad reviews. LOL 🙂
Today after almost running over my chop saw…. I cut a bunch of all-threads. They were 3/8″ x 11″…. Apparently their are lots of techniques on cutting all-thread. (BTW some industry forums have really nice people.) I read a couple forum replies which was really referencing to smaller all-thread…. which I believe now may be able to use a different technique? Larger all-thread I believe requires a different technique…. I know now. 🙂
-The best way was to unscrew a bolt after you cut the all-thread. Which really does not help when you have 6′ pieces! LOL 🙂 But I understand the theory. Even 3′ with a little nut it a pain.
*The problem was the cuts or mangled threads still were to strong to allow a nut to get off the thread.
-Grinding also did not help…. it was very hard to get the line straight. The cut has to be straight to get the bolt on.
*I was actually using a grinder then used my impact wrench with a deep socket to “get” a nut on. But this technique was very time consuming.
-On the forum they suggested using a Variable Speed Bench Grinder.
*I used my angle grinder and it just seemed to constantly mess up threads? Maybe a bench grinder is better?
-My revised best technique! Use a chop saw…. then a tap and die set to fix the problems.
*When using the chop saw…. it would cut the all-thread straight and if you go slow it would not cause any issues. But really who waits around? 🙂 I had to fix a couple per 6′ length. I also just used the tap or die in my hand…. so no big deal.
Let me know how you get this done…. I believe this process/technique varies with the size of all-thread. So this may not work with smaller…. but larger would probably be fine?