American Changer Corp.


I believe American Changer has successfully helped me conclude that you CAN have all your info online and have a bad website.  Wow…. But I will help you guys out at American Changer…. send me an email I will seriously redo your site pretty cheap for you (you guys do have a lot of information on the site).  I am not kidding just email me…. companies outsource stuff all the time.  Also please never use flash or java and do not use the word “Golfing” ever.  Or just use Car Washing, Laundering, Transiting/Parking, Card Dispensing Devices, then Golfing.  🙂

They have at least one important and annoying broken link, non standard format, and different formats for different drop down menus pages.  But again I hate to “hate” on them because they have all their information online!  Very nice!  I would like larger pictures though and more pictures.  🙂

UPDATE:  When going to American Changers website on my phone I got a message “The page you are trying to view contains malicious content.”  So I am guessing either American Changers site is the only site AVG hates or something is wrong with American’s site?  Just saying.