So lets say you want to purchase some stuff…. then lets say at some point in a normal conversation you realize you have no clue what is going on in the conversation! This has only happened to me twice so far! LOL
So I wanted to purchase some stuff and the Lady says something really fast and I can not really understand her….. I say “excuse me”.
Lady: “Are you using it for brick lintel?”
ME: “Brick Lintel?”
Lady: “brick lintel?”
Me: “Brick Lintel?”
Lady: “brick lintel?”
Me: “No I have not talked to him…. I talked to another lady.”
….Awkward silence
Lady: “No…. brick lintel?”
….Awkward silence
Me: “So is this a guy…. that works there?”
….Awkward silence
Lady: “No….” Then she tells me a little about the product….
Me: “Yes…. but” LOL
I believe she had no clue either…. but everyone who ever called her always knows! She also put me on hold to laugh at me…. I know it!
But she surprisingly did not laugh at me on the phone!
She left and got some answers for me…. while I googled “Brick Lintel”…. Which was not a GUY!
Apparently brick lintel supports stuff and they bend the metal right there! They use 22 gauge galvanized metal and they charge $0.75 a foot.
The other time I had no clue in a conversation was ordering a cappuccino….. I when through a drive through. The guy asked “what kind of milk”…. Long pause…. My answer “yes”…. I panicked! He actually laughed at me! LOL Only a female would know the answer to that question…. it was a trick question! Get this! My Wife told me (after the incident) they have different kinds of milk you can put in your cappuccino! Only a Woman would know that! That is what I get for trying something different anyway!
(This place was one of those fancy places with 10 different types of coffee.)
So next time I go to some gourmet coffee place with my Wife…. I am going to order a cappuccino with milk and a crouton! Are you really suppose to know what that large dried out cake thing is…. I bet it has a stupid fancy name. Like a crouton or brick lintel?