Greg today helped me with my CWS order. :)

He said the stuff I wanted was basically not that great of an idea.  Also that the aluminum head foam brushes where also a bad idea.  So I keep all the stuff that was sent wrong from

BTW the lady I emailed accepted blame and said she would send and pickup the stuff.  But they still didn’t have what I wanted and the invoice was changed so her story really makes no since?

Also Greg said he doesn’t order stuff from CWS anymore?  Kleen Rite really has stepped up there game.  I guess Marcus use to use CWS…. but it doesn’t matter.  He probably switched also?

The  blue 212551 Erie plastic 4 1/2″ hogs hair brushes I purchased from CWS.  $52 head only.  🙂

imageimageimageimage never mind I will never order from you again don’t worry about my 10% off lifetime thing!

I need a unbiased opinion.
If I order this:
UB-MSTR-AHBK Aluminum Head (BLACK) from universal brush is an ER212551 Plastic Casting (BLUE) really an alternative?

I got an email stating:
“We are currently out of stock on the Universal Monster Hogs Hair brushes.  We do currently have the Erie Hogs Hair Brushes in stock which are $51.95 if you would like those sent.”

I said sure but a different color and all plastic?  WTF?  Seriously?

Also the only reason I ever purchased from CWS was there high pressure hoses and they look like ass now.  They DO NOT look like the pictures on the crap website either.
They didn’t send the correct color foam brush handle either…. I’m guessing everyone gets blue!  🙂

Well shipping was 10% around and no handling now.


What the hose use to look like…. It seems heavier also. Even though it was less psi and the manufacturer was to embarrassed to put theie name on the hose. 🙂


Apparently I had a bunch in stock! They quit selling them like the picture on there website in 2009! Talk about false advertising! LOL What a joke. 🙂

PKM Metals 4401 Jaybird Road



Recyclers, scrap yards, enablers for thieves!  I mean come on!  If PKM or any scrap yard  gave a crap wouldn’t they refuse stuff.  Maybe PKM does?  But the Police and the government need to close these places down.  These places have a really bad ethics problem.  I think scrap yards really should just drive around and put out hits or pick up stuff themselves.  They are as guilty as the people stealing the stuff in the first place.

The only reason I single out PKM is I got my METAL pits stolen and I asked some shady guy which might have stole them?  Who knows?  🙂  He said everyone brings there stolen stuff to PKM…. so don’t put words in my mouth!  It’s the “word on the street”.  Also if the guy hasn’t been thrown in jail yet I will point him out for you!  Actually I wouldn’t rat anyone out in Wylam…. I’m not stupid!

BTW a detective from the Birmingham Police Department told me the other day THEY SELL DOPE across the street (from my car wash)…… REALLY!  Thanks detective I’M BLIND!  I didn’t ask but if this is such common knowledge….. never-mind.

OMG I just figured out why has such a bad website!

Because on August 1, 2013 National Pride purchased them!  National Pride still has there 2011 catalog as there “current” catalog.

I really feel bad purchasing stuff from National Pride now!  They provided zero help for me after the sale of expensive meter boxes.  I wish I knew National Pride purchased CWS because I would have never ordered from them.

Also National Pride had those videos promoting breaking into meter boxes…. at least that is what I thought they were for.

I got my ups tracking number and it had “NPE Memphis – Carwash” CWS I believe is in Mississippi. What the?

Can people purchase stuff from car wash super store? Or is it just me? I understand I guess why they deleted my account (I guess?)…. it has been a year and a half.  But why can’t I register for an account? My stupid password is “8 characters and have both letters and numbers.”  Actually my password “has” or “had” both characters and numbers (even tried special characters and cap letters)….. but when I entered the password it did “have” both letters and numbers…. see what I did?  Stupid joke making fun of cws’s bad grammar from someone with bad grammar!    🙂

Also why is a fax number required? It this 1990? Also your cart is really bad! Research cookies or something?  My favorite “feature” is when the cart forgets your order!  Kleen-Rites cart remembered my order from 3 months ago…. Just saying.  Yeah…. KR site actually works and I need $650 of car wash crap?  But isn’t working?  What would someone do?  After blogging about it?  LOL  🙂


UPDATE!  Okay you can tell I’m a loser!  I figured out a work around for their stupid password problem / bug.  This also does not get fixed when using shorter passwords….. like 16 characters.  I “have” tried multiple combos.  NO ONE TESTED THIS!  In fact I want $90 Car Wash Super Store for informing you of your problems….. not kidding.  Sorry that’s my going rate!  Plus a 10% discount from now on…. think of the money I just saved you?!  In lost sales….  Also not kidding.

CarWash Superstore   Registration what the?

carwash website

Okay maybe I have never seen new website until today. 🙂 I’m a little behind. This carwash stuff is trying to kill me. So I went to their site and it’s a new color red? But they got rid of their forum and started over! REALLY! Didn’t they have a really large forum? I really can’t remember I HATED the layout! Also why on earth didn’t they convert it? The matter what it COULD be converted… I guess the decision was not to. Which seems interesting. As a programmer I was given really bad crap to convert so I know there is no why it was not doable.

Do could I have the old forum Well if you are the ones that had a forum in the first place. 🙂

Ryko Code-A-Wash IV Manual…. Come and get it! :)


LOL Just kidding! 🙂

Why would Ryko publish their Code-A-Wash 4 Manual? or what every their entry unit is called? I forgot the name of the thing which I OWN! 🙂

I actually called Ryko they said they do not have it in PDF format… BUT I can purchase it! I think it was $50-100? NICE! 🙂 Why would they put it online?

Also what really bugs me is on their website they state under “Ryko Advantage” “Proprietary Technology”? WHAT! Shouldn’t customers demand the exact opposite? If the Car Wash industry demanded better standard products maybe we would have products like the vending industry? With interchangeable parts? With DEX and MDB? Instead we have dumb proprietary stuff and expensive proprietary parts and are enslaved to one vendor like a sucker sucked into the sales pitch…. the end 🙂

Yeah I don’t have my own products! After looking at the swipe and clean though I should have made one. 🙂 But I can have my own options for now. The full service controller companies are the worse with over priced stuff. But the market is just so small.