“Haulin’ Liquid Chicken” Inedible?


I like what his truck is “haulin'” which is “liquid chicken” or at least that is what it says. In the small print it says “inedible”? I think “liquid chicken” is a great idea! Just think: a nice chicken shake, chicken gum or candy. The sky is the limit! Actually with chickens the ground it their limit (no flying? bad joke?).


Wow that was fast. I was doing some very in depth research on “Haulin’ Liquid Chicken” when I noticed my link already in Google after 22 minutes. I guess this is the reason Google is the best search engine?

The Foundry Superthrift Outlet


Usually I drop off crap here and today it was time to spend money!


Unfortunately Dorothy beat me to the “exercise vibrator” it was only $14.96.


I could not decide if I wanted to replace my Webber grill with this smoker thing for $6.88. I decided against it, then wondered why it was not in the garbage?


You had to purchase something to leave the store and I have too much clothing already so…. I purchased a electric weed eater for $4.88. Why not?

Ebay.com crap, I mean good stuff


At least I thought it was a good product when I was bidding on them. Actually, I thought it was a really good deal if you wanted some sds drill bits. I got 17: maybe you want to purchase some from me?

BOSCH: 1 x 7/16″, S4, 12″; 1 x 9/16″, s4,12″; 2 x 1/4″, S4, 10″; 1 each 3/16″, S4, 10″; 3 x 0.202, S4, 9 1/4″; 3 x 3/16″ ,S4, 14″ Long
Dewalt: 2 x 3/8″ 18″; 1 x 5/8″ , 18″
MaKita: 1 x 7/8″ , 18″
Century: 2 x 3/16″ – 4″


I purchased these from toolsandmorellc (ebay name) and she owns a store close by called “Tools & More” in Alabaster. I have been getting my cones stolen alot recently so I purchased some “Temporarily Closed” tape. At least it will be cheaper when they break or steal it.

What happened when my Dixmor DX-1000 Weep Mizer did not work?


(First picture from left) 1) All my high pressure hoses were frozen. 2) Broken tire cleaner hose. 3) Broken RO water hose. 4) This was a surprise, broken high pressure hose. Also a rainbow.


(First picture from left) 1) Hydrominder got stuck. 2) And another RO water hose busted.

I am not really sure why the Weep Mizer did not work, but my theory is that I had it on the screen where you select if you want it “on” or “off” and it was on “on” but I guess you have to leave the screen? All I know is that it just didn’t work.

Hueytown Police Department called


Nothing is better then getting a call from the Police department at 7:00 in the morning. I loved the Police operators comments when I asked what the problem was. She said “I think something is wrong with the building”, What? Of course she really did not know what the problem was, but I came up with some situations when I was driving there. It ended up that I forgot to lock my Dilling & Harris Max-Vend II. Nothing happened, which is good, they just pulled at the machine.


Another crime happened in Wylam. I need to talk to the Birmingham Police about this crime. Someone tried to just use a random key to open my dumpster? Why would you think this would work? It is not even an Abus key, if it was I believe Abus sells about 2 different keyed locks though.

Foam hose and Sensortron problem


Pretty nice busted hose for my foam brush.  When the bay wall is covered in chemical it is always bad.


The first picture shows the Sensortron spring sprung off.  This caused the magic quarter to fall out and the coin acceptor did not work correctly.