This device is awesome! You could never get a better feeling then showing up at the thief’s house with the Police. But $500 is a little steep along with a $20 a year charge. Not really sure what good it would be if the thief or employees could see it? Check out the amazon or dewalt links. DeWalt MobileLock GPS Locator with Anti-Theft Alarm #DS500
Hydrominder Problem
This is an interesting problem where the pvc looks like it is not level and makes the hydrominder stick. I am not sure how this problem just started though. It was leaking into the presoak tank and on the floor. I also have an action packed video.
UPDATE: Solution
Grapefruit time!
Do you have an ipod touch or iphone?
Allan Branch (from sent me a link for an iphone version of my web site. It made me think…. I do not have an iphone but why not try it out. Maybe someone out there has an iphone and could send in a picture of what it looks like.
I actually installed content.robot’s iwphone wordpress plugin, which seems to work good on an ipod touch. I just don’t know about the iphone.
Water Wizard 2.0 Hyper-Concentrate tanks
Installing NOS in my little Honda Fit
Actually, I drank the NOS before I changed my air filter. This how-to is for changing out your air filter in the little Honda Fit. Well, I don’t know how to change my oil so I went to the Express Lube and apparently the car is too new to have the filter in stock. (Why does every car on Earth need a cabin air filter? I thought they were just for nice cars? Also why would I ever want to replace it? I walk outside and I don’t live in a bubble.)
The difficulty level for changing out your air filter is: SUPER HARD
First, find the only place the filter will fit. Second, open place where filter may fit (my car has 4 latches). Third, surprise! you found the air filter.
I guess the filter is dirty enough to replace? I have no idea, they just told me to replace it. Second picture shows a little bridge thing going down (or just pay attention how the other one looked when you removed it). Look how pretty the new filter is! Snap it back up. Super easy! All the car repairs I have done: Change disk brakes, drum brakes and air filter. I also can fix some carwash problems.
Breaking news: MRAP Vehicle spotted in Alabama shipping to Iraq?
Article “Marines want probe into armored vehicle program delays”
I spotted this MRAP today driving from the car wash. There is no need for the Marines to probe for delays because there is one in Alabama. Seriously though; good luck and Godspeed (and actually he was speeding).