The question is…. Does a Dixmor LED 7 timer fit in the same location as a Gin-San GS-400 timer or the GinSan GS-407 timer? I did not know the answer so I contacted the experts at Dixmor.
Dixmor said the Gin-San GS407 timer has a 2″ x 9″ display so basically there is no way it would fit.
ANSWER: The Dixmor LED 7 timer will NOT fit where a GinSan GS-407 timer is.
The GinSan GS400 has the same height as the Dixmor LED 7 timer but the GS400 is 1″ wider. Which I assume would allow for a drop in replacement? But Dixmor’s official statement is they do not think the LED7 would replace either timer.
I hate to contradict the experts at Dixmor…. but today I measured the left and right meter door openings. Each door opening was the same at 2 3/4″ x 1 1/2″ (I did not have my caliper so it is just close. 🙂 ) So the only variable is the mounting studs…. which are probably close or close enough? (You could widen the holes if you had to.) But…. Because both meter doors (above) are from GinSan. I could also go so far as to assume that the one on the right definitely has the same mounting screws…. but I can not measure the door on the left to verify. Why would Ginsan create a meter door which their own timer (GS400) would not fit? But you can look at my pictures and use the 1″ measurement Dixmor said the timers were different in size…. but someone could assume they would be a drop in replacement? Probably? Maybe? More than likely? LOL 🙂 (Of course you would need a wire harness for the Dixmor timer…. but for some reason GinSan does not use wire harnesses?)
So if anyone knows for a fact if a Dixmor LED 7 is a drop in replacement for the GS400 timer let me know. Also let the fine guys at Dixmor know. It might help them out. 🙂

Just an aside…. the opening for the above meter door is 3 1/4″ x 1″ (again I would not start production on your timer add on…. this was done on a piece of paper and measure with a ruler later. No caliper…. just an idea of the opening size. 🙂 ) This door is also the meter door for a Gin-San GS-31 timer…. which is the timer pictured next to it.
UPDATE 20160318: When emailing this guy back…. I believe I figured out why Dixmor says their timers may not be a direct replacement? Dixmor has no idea how you have your bay setup. You may have to rewire and probably bypass another timer to get a Dixnor LED 3 or LED 7 timer to work. Also you would have to purchase a harness for the Dixmor timer.
But harnesses are good…. and wire nuts do not count as a harness. LOL 🙂