One of my flojet pumps was trying to prime by running non stop. The problem was that my hydrominder stuck, which did not fill the tank, so the flojet was not getting any chemical.
Stinky garbage and muddy sheetrock
Mark VII setup is crappy
The first picture is a modified version the second picture it the original Mark 7 setup.
I had a problem with one of the bays weep system not working and noticed this solenoid (first picture). How many solenoids do you need for a weep system? One per bay? And why is the pvc labeled “Weep” and the solenoid labeled “Tire Clean Weep Lock” it is connected to the high pressure hose? It does not make sense. I guess Greg, the previous owner, changed the weep to one solenoid and cut off the “Tire Clean” solenoids? I need to rip out half the crap in this Mark 7 setup. The problem with the weep was that the needle valve was clogged. Is the needle valve really necessary for a weep setup?
Kim Supply KCP9110-50 – Garnet Ultra-Wash
Flowjet push lock problem
Going postal on the postman
Where do you purchase this piece?
One of my Coleman Fragrance vacuums was having some problem spraying and also one scent did not work. I used some glass cleaner to clean out one on the scents to make in work perfectly. Next, let the fun begin.
I planned to check the solenoid first. It had gluey crap all over it. I cleaned it off and still had a problem.
Next I removed the barb on the solenoid bank. This was clogged so I cleaned it out. I still had a problem.
So I decided to remove the elbow piece and see if it was clogged. When removing the elbow I broke off another barb. Now, where can I find a 1/8″ mip to 1/8″ barb? Now 2 scents do not work.
Twice the ICE – Ice House America
Have you ever wondered how a Twice the Ice, ice machine / vendor worked? Have you ever wanted to watch a video on how Double the Ice comes out of the little house? I know, why would you? But I made a video for the one person that is interested. I get a lot of people searching for information so I thought, why not make a video?
I Love Jesus air freshener
I know I must be overlooking where to purchase these, but I can’t find them. I find these ever once in a while on the ground but I would like to purchase some. (Disclamer: I believe that Jesus does not condone littering.) sells a different design (right image) but I like the yellow one better.