So far this is all the trash from Christmas (I am knocking on wood while typing this) a crappy Harbor Freight air compressor and a Dell computer box. I purchased this air compressor to run my Wylam wash and had to take it back.
Sensortron coin acceptor swap
Professional Flojet install – Update
Bosch SDS to 1/2″ adaptor
I purchased a sds adaptor so I could use normal bits on my sds drill.
The garbage can lids that I purchased from Greg seem to not fit at my Hueytown location. But I am thinking that I could pour about an inch to even it out with the brick?
Merry Christmas
Unloader hose problem
Merry Christmas from Uncle Danny and Aunt Pally “The Litters”?
I saw Santa today on a fire truck, which is always exciting. I believe you can always see him on a fire truck before he comes to your house. Also, Uncle Danny and Aunt Pally are litterers. She did get “Barbie Gymnastic Divas” and a Disney doll. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great holiday season and I wish you all no Christmas trees, large tv boxes and wrapping paper being dumped in your front yard or at your car wash.
Look at all this garbage I found
I found this cd called “PHAT JAMZ Volume 130, Super Hits in English & Spanish” it is a cd with 161 mp3s. I guess the MPAA approved this?
In an unrelated story I found a pawnbroker receipt, I love finding these. This one is for $10 for 3.4o G of Scrap Gold. The annual finance is only 240%, seems reasonable.
I guess someone cleaned out their bathroom garbage can. Why else would you have 20 or more boxes of Ephedrine? I know for “Asthma Relief” not for Methamphetamine. Not really sure what the “Swarm Extreme Energizer” and packs of “Basic” cigarettes are for though. If you have asthma and need so much Ephedrine why do you smoke cigarettes?
High pressure gun problem
The high pressure gun trigger turned up broken today, which it the first time for me. I was thinking that I could take it apart and just replace the trigger. Looks like you can not replace it.
I then decided to try and fix an old broken gun. I used my easy out and it was not very easy getting it out. In fact the easy out broke, which is another first.
Professional Flojet install
I am replacing my Sandpiper pumps with Flojet pumps. The last picture shows the setup and this is the reason I could not setup the Flojet correctly. I guess when the equipment was installed originally the stainless tank was dropped in after this fitting was installed. I will need to crack off this fitting to replace it. I want to install a push lock fitting just when it is not very busy.