4/5 Star accident


This guy almost made it past the “End Doubled Fines” sign.  I guess he has to pay double for the damages?


This retard decided to go off roading in a BMW. Apparently there is mud in the median. But I don’t think he would have made it anyway.


I think that maybe this guy might have caused a traffic jam to cause the wrecks on I20-59? Actually, it was a perfect good accident: 1) Nice guard rail action, 2) retard driver, 3) traffic had to stop to look, and 4) some retard took pictures.

Chemical day


I made some chemicals today at the house.  I used this spiffy push lock fitting to attach a hose to the hot water heater.


I think about 45 gallons of tire cleaner and high pressure soap is about all this little car will take.  I am not very pleased with my new tire cleaner powder though and I will need to try something new.  I also forgot what it was called so I hope I purchase the same product again.  The high pressure soap is okay but I made it double the strength this time.  (Kim Supply KCP9110-50 – Garnet Ultra-Wash)

New stop smoking method, guaranteed* to work.


Little trees solved the smoking problem for the world: no more patches, hypnotherapy or converting to Scientology.  Just place the little tree in your car and your car will smell like a dirty ashtray.

Actually, I saw this in Auto Laundry News under “Product Showcase”.  It actually does not smell like a bbq pit; it smells like “Crisp ‘n Cool” (which is a trade marked name) whatever that smells like?

*cwguy.com or little trees really does not guarantee that this product will help you quit smoking.

Captain Cook car wash pressure washing machine- double Item number: 270213125165


Check out the Captain Cook Cleaning System on ebay.  I do not remember hearing anything about Cook Machinery Co. Inc., Dallas, Texas at the ICA show.  But I have not gone to the ICA in a while.  This equipment has an interesting design, but with the pictures provided it is hard to judge.  So if you can not afford the iwash system why not purchase the Captain Cook system?

More vacuum fun


I was having problems with this vacuum not working correctly.  I changed out the brushes and still had the same problem.  The problem was the bags were full.  There is a guy who cleans them out at night and I totally forgot to check the bags every month.