The solenoid got stuck and wanted to drink all my foam brush chemical.
Flag burning at a gun show?
I found my hub cap?
Well, I have been driving by this hub cap for a couple months and decided to stop and get my hub cap! The only problem was it is not my hub cap. I have found 3 15″ Toyota hub caps and only one 14″ Toyota hub cap (which I lost). Maybe I can swap 3 bad luck 15″ Toyota hub caps for one 14″ hub cap (any brand?
Tom Kozlik from Rowe International comment
If you own a Rowe changer you should read Tom Kozlik comment about my Mars bill acceptor post. It is an interesting read and Tom is going to help me get my BA-50s squared away and make sure I update my changer to the “Nexgen” software. I will definitely keep everyone updated and write a review when I get the new “blue” belts and the “Nexgen” software. Thanks for you help Tom.
1. For the last several years, Rowe has been field testing concepts and ideas to improve the performance of the BA-50 suggested by operators in the field. One of those suggestions, improving the lower belts, dramatically improves the duty cycle of the BA-50. The improvedblue belts( part number 35082008) were implemented earlier this month in production and can now be purchased as a service part.
2. The new Nexgen $5 software that handles the new five dollar bill introduced earlier this year also improves the performance of the BA-50s. Technicians have found that by installing the new NEXGEN $5 software, a number of BA-50 error codes occur less frequently. In addition, the NEXGEN $5 software vastly improved the Bill B Check function.
3. Last year Rowe announced and began shipping Mars kits that are easily field installed into BC1200 and BC1400/2800 changers. These kits can be purchased from your local Rowe distributor.
Thank you for your business and please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Tom Kozlik, Vice President-Major Account
Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell! Yum and good for you!
This Cruchwrap Supreme thing is pretty good! It has a flat taco shell with crap all over it then wrapped with a tortilla. I also took a picture of people that should all get new jobs. Wow! The one on the far left privileged me by taking my order after waiting and staring at her. The lady in the white shirt (manager?) was sitting down eating and talking. The lady on the right was sweaty because I think she is the only person working.
I usually go through the drive thru but now I think I will either pretend I never went in the building or go somewhere else.
River Road Baptist Youth Events!!
Small timer problem?
Why is ebay crappy? I find crap at my house to sell then I purchase crap from ebay. It is a vicious cycle. I have always wanted a Laser Disk player and guess what I purchased the other day? I guess I am having buyers remorse? I purchased a Pioneer CLD-M301 Laser Disk player which also plays cds and it came with a couple laser disk movies. This Pioneer is awesome: it weighs 100 pounds and is quite large. Now the laser disk movies are awesome also: it takes 3 sides of a laser disk for one movie (The Blues Brothers). Also the disks are shiny and are as big as my head.
While searching the web for a review on my fly new player I found this article from from August 1, 1992. The title is very long but this is part of it: “What to Buy in the ’90s. Should you wait for high-definition TV?” I say NO! This player plugs into my HDTV! (It is just not HD.) The player apparently retailed for $650 in 1992 and you can purchase it for $30 in 2008. Now who is the sucker? Wait…….
I also spotted this player for sale. Now this guy is from Canada so….. (insert joke). But he is trying to sell a CLD-M301 (like mine) for $125. That seems like a lot of money and this guy listed it in September 3, 2007 and was just renewed again in June 8, 2008 and his listing expires on July 8, 2008. I wonder if he will sell it before July? When would a normal person decide “I am NEVER going to sell this. Only a moron would purchase it!”?