

I have always liked the i-wash setup and I am trying to get some more information on their product to do a little review on their product.  Don Scordo (president of iwash) sent me these pictures of their equipment.  The first picture is a 4 bay setup, I really love how compact and clean it is.  (A little nicer setup then mine.)  The second picture is their factory floor and the third picture is a 6 bay but I am not really sure why it is so large?

I also like their meter boxes but you will have to go to their web site at www.iwash.biz then i-wash then brochure. 

Question?  I am trying to remember the name of a vendor that sells a system which just uses injectors to deliver the products.  They also vend about 14 different products.  If someone could tell me the name of the company I could send you a prize?  Like a smelly baseball cap or something?

Best sign ever?


The sign reads:  “STOP NO TRESPASSING This is NOT A JUNK YARD Keep Your ASS OUT”

1)  If you have to clarify where you live is not a junk yard you might have a problem.

2)  If you have 5 cars and trucks and heavy equipment in plain sight……

3)  This actually writes itself no need to go on.  Send in yours.

Actual snow in Alabama?


It actually snowed in Alabama?  The weather person was actually correct about it snowing (that was a first)?  It snowed about 1/2 inch and it did not stick on the road like the meteorologist said it would (so I guess the meteorologist got something wrong like normal).

The dogs seemed to like the snow except it was just a little cold (around 30 or below all day).  So basically nothing happened at the car wash, everyone I guess was purchasing milk and bread. 

You do not see this everyday


This truck is hauling a variety of equipment.  You do not see a automatic going down the road everyday.  (It looks like a Ryko?  Or a Cadillac?)


This car is in the wrong location.  You see this every once in a while, people enjoy driving on the rail road tracks.

How not to remove a pulley?


So I purchased the Harbor Freight “3 Jaw Puller Set” (32184) today for $12 and proceeded to put together all the pullers.  I installed the correct puller then broke the pulley.


I guess I needed to remove the pen thing first (2nd picture with arrow)?  Not really sure how to remove it though.  I already removed the screw but not quite sure how to slide the piece out?