“Haulin’ Liquid Chicken” Inedible?


I like what his truck is “haulin'” which is “liquid chicken” or at least that is what it says. In the small print it says “inedible”? I think “liquid chicken” is a great idea! Just think: a nice chicken shake, chicken gum or candy. The sky is the limit! Actually with chickens the ground it their limit (no flying? bad joke?).


Wow that was fast. I was doing some very in depth research on “Haulin’ Liquid Chicken” when I noticed my link already in Google after 22 minutes. I guess this is the reason Google is the best search engine?

The Foundry Superthrift Outlet


Usually I drop off crap here and today it was time to spend money!


Unfortunately Dorothy beat me to the “exercise vibrator” it was only $14.96.


I could not decide if I wanted to replace my Webber grill with this smoker thing for $6.88. I decided against it, then wondered why it was not in the garbage?


You had to purchase something to leave the store and I have too much clothing already so…. I purchased a electric weed eater for $4.88. Why not?

Hueytown Police Department called


Nothing is better then getting a call from the Police department at 7:00 in the morning. I loved the Police operators comments when I asked what the problem was. She said “I think something is wrong with the building”, What? Of course she really did not know what the problem was, but I came up with some situations when I was driving there. It ended up that I forgot to lock my Dilling & Harris Max-Vend II. Nothing happened, which is good, they just pulled at the machine.


Another crime happened in Wylam. I need to talk to the Birmingham Police about this crime. Someone tried to just use a random key to open my dumpster? Why would you think this would work? It is not even an Abus key, if it was I believe Abus sells about 2 different keyed locks though.

How not to remove a pulley? – Update


So I tried to remove the pulley again. I tried Bill’s suggestion on heating the pulley. It worked heating the shaft but now the puller and this little metal piece (in the second picture) is not allowing the puller to pull. I gave up for now.

Original Post link Bill’s quote: “I have done the same, breaking a stuck pulley. 2 ways you could have removed the pulley. 1. heat the shaft with a cutting torch. The heat would have expanded the pulley and the puller would have removed it. by putting some tension on the puller first, and then adding heat, the pulley would have popped free. 2. Since the motor was junk anyways, you could have cut the motor shaft off with the pulley attached, and either had it pressed out at a auto parts store, or put the pulley loosely on top of a vise and hammered the shaft through to remove it. Always and I do mean always use antisieze on everything you assemble to help you at a future time in case it ever needs disassembly.”

Stupid crap


This Bellsouth phone booth has an interesting sign for not having a pay phone installed. The sign says “Out Of Order”, scary that someone even thought their should be a sign.


This Big Bird house/store is hoping that the Walmart that is “comming” down the street will make his location a “GREA” location. Whatever that means.  I also like the other sign “MonthLy” Rent.  I thought that $1,500 or $800 would be for a full year?


Why would you ever need to write on your car “not 4 sale”?

Air Compressor problem


I figured out what was wrong with my Dad’s air compressor, it had no oil in it.  So I purchased some compressor oil and it still does not work.  All I have to do to get the compressor working is spin the pump pulley while flipping it on.  This will start the compressor working.  I guess since I ran the compressor without oil, the pump is ruined?  Or is their a way to fix it?

Some annoying and fun problems


I got to dig out pits at both of my carwashes, which is always fun.  I had a RO leak which rained on me when I was in the equipment room, which was fun.  Then I somehow got a stick stuck under my car, which was fun for a while.  But the sound of scratching gets a little annoying.