Has someone tried to scam you on craigslist.org yet?


All I was trying to do is sell my Apple iPod Touch on craigslist.org instead of using ebay.com.  Back to the scam: someone with a email address like [email protected] will email you and ask if you still have the item.  Then you say “yes” then he says “I will give you $350 for the $250 ipod touch”.  Then he wants your paypal.com account. Next he will use a stolen bank account to give you the $350 through paypal.com.  By the time the item is shiped, paypal.com will figue out it was a bad bank account and take the money back.  You have been scammed.  As a general rule just do not sell anything to a guy named George Henry who lives at: No 12 omoakinjobi Street Off Odo Oba Elere, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria, 23402.

If you want to read the full emails check out my craigslist.org email page here:


Erie brush vacuum hoses


I purchased this 50 foot long vacuum hose from Erie Brush at the ICA show.  I like the multi-colors and the inside wall is a lot smoother.  It will be interesting to see how well it last.

By the way, do you want to see the worst web site in the car wash industry?  Well check out Erie Brush’s site:  http://www.eriebrush.com/  This web site makes me want to start web developing again and do pro bono work.

I guess I am a Mitsubishi tech?


Well my Mitsubishi DX-TL900U finally broke. Well, the hard drive gave out, which is normal I guess.  The Mitsubishi website said that the unit needed to be sent in to a tech. But the site also said that the operating system was embedded.


So because the OS is embedded the dvr should use the hard drive just as storage. So I removed the broken Maxtor 120 gb drive and replaced it with some 160 gb I found somewhere. My unit, according to the directions does not support multiply drives. But looking at the mother board (picture 3) there is a place for the drive’s power cord and you could probably use a Y connector on the mother board power? It also looks like just a standard ide drive and maybe just a master / slave ide cable will allow 2 drives? I did not try it though because I have never had any space problems. Next you power the unit on and it says “ALL HDD DATA WILL BE ERASED” I did not know what was on the drive so why not erase it all (that mean “initialize”). Then the unit formats the drive and it works.  Yea!

Why I hate the Apple iphone?


Well the iphone ruined these great pictures (or was it my finger)?  These pictures are of the Police searching for something that the person with the handcuffs threw out the window of his car.  This is why you should always obey the “No Littering” sign and keep that Wendys cup in your car!

No money down and FREE delivery!


Greg sold me a ton of his carwash stuff in his basement today.  But I finally purchased his PUR-CLEAN RO system, with a charcoal filter and a magic water softener thing (last picture) with included directions.


Also included a chemical sprayer, empty drums, and some chemical (Qual Chem – Q Enhance Low, Q No – Touch Low, and Q Enhance High).


Lastly a truck full of stuff.  I can not list all the stuff but it is really great stuff.  Now, like Greg said, I need to open a car wash in my basement (which I actually could open a 4 bay if I had the electrical and a working air compressor).  Greg sold me all this stuff for $280 (I think?), which is really great.  Thanks Greg!

ICA Education Session Handbook


I enjoyed the ICA meeting this year and appreciate Jeff Byma from the International Carwash Association, for helping me attend the show and to attend the educational sessions.

I also enjoyed meeting Eric Hanson from Boston? who invited me to a party I was not invited to.  I believe he said that he was going to send in some pictures of his wash for me to post.  I also enjoyed meeting Kate Carr and Pat Harrington from Professional Carwashing & Detailing.  I also talked to Greg a couple times while he was running away from me and others.

I could not attend very many sessions this year because I was extremely tired but I did attend “Going Green” by Bill Sartor, Washem Car Wash.

The ICA meeting only had 16 sessions this year, but in 2005 (the last time I attended) they had 29 over 5 days instead of 3.  Also the session handbook was a lot larger then this years.

Problems after I got back


The security camera dvr decided it wanted some attention.  It wanted some  “hdd reconstruction”, sounds like fun.  My Rowe changer also quit working with a “REJECT-BILL S” or “REJECT-BILL 5” error?  The funny thing about the error is that it is not in the Rowe manual. 

I also talked to the Rowe booth distributors and have some more information to post later.  Also a demo of how to change out the non-existing $5 bill upgrade board.


At my other wash I pulled up to an abandoned car.