Well I got my copy about a month ago…. I am a little slow. “Do your Walls Look Ancient?” Why yes they do…. I believe all car washes look Ancient and outdated. I guess I am the wrong person to ask? LOL 🙂 I mean lets be honest…. except the Tommy Wash building. Every car wash since they have been a box have looked the exact same. I am also taking about lame express car washes. (This is why I made the exception for Tommy Wash.)
The only other good looking building which was different and was an exciting design…. I have ever seen was the Lighthouse design. Which Autec had a patent/contract on supposedly? Tommys wave thing is very cool also but the roof supposedly is flawed? That is just what I heard…. also having the controls in the wash bay under the flawed roof? Well that is just the stupidity I heard.