This proves the United States does not require college degrees to work at the po box place? Or High School degrees? Or the ability to read? Or a stupid test for employment…. or any pride in your work.
I have a $44 a month box by the way! That is $528 a year? Ask yourself…. Would I really have a box that is that small for $528 a year? Does this really pass the stupid test? Someone should be fired or written up? (I pick fire everyone who interacts with customers…. but I do not get a vote.) (Plus I did not even make fun of the lady that forgot how to write a “3”…. or maybe it was an “8”? See I am nice I think it was a “3” though? $184 a month would just be stupid! LOL 🙂 )
Yes…. I also know the people renting the PO Boxes understand what the amount is for…. A box owner I would think is a private sector business owners. Not a well paid Federal Government employee not accountable for being nice? Sorry I really liked my Dolomate PO Box so much better. I liked the Post Master running the entire place…. They were always super nice…. but the Government for some reason moves them around all the time and there was always someone new? Seems stupid…..
BTW When I get ALL the “case quarters” I will get a $134 a month box! ($1,608 a year) Just to tell everyone I can.

(Picture above) My 5 year old was wondering why all these letters were sticking out of all these boxes…. Well daughter “this is what happens when the government tries to run a business…. all those letters were put in the wrong boxes”. Yeah…. It is only 7 on that row…. but people probably throw stuff away all the time for people from bad service.
20141023 Update…. apparently it is not a requirement from the government to cover up delivery of mail to the wrong box! Well that is a relief the government is not involved in a cover up….. wait a minute. 🙂 I could have taken a picture today but it would have looked the same. To be honest I thought they would have collected the mail and redeliver there mistakes…. silly me. 🙂 My $44 a month box is down mis-deliverer cove…. I am just kidding again…. they do not just do it on mis-deliverer cove it is everywhere do not worry.