When Your GPS Device Tries to KILL!


The plan was to donate some stuff to a different thrift store near my car wash so I programed it into my gps.  Well, the gps took me a scary way past “D&W Convenience Store” that just started selling “Soulfood”.   But later down the road I saw another even scarier sign: “Vote Democratic”!  I have never seen one of these.  It hurt my eyes then someone gave me a check…. sweet!  Next I drove by the best business plan ever!  A Package Store called “Package Store” that also does “Budget Tax Returns” for $39.00!  Who isn’t looking for a budget tax return?


When I was in the thrift store I found a real treasure!  The original Reeboxs in the best color!  While driving away I spotted a rent to own place that buys gold and sells rims!  Yes!  The third picture is the owners car I guess?  I was hungry and brave so I went in Hardees, which didn’t want to be out done, so they had scary people and a bald spare tire randomly in the dining area?

Good Job! Now I Have Chipped Bricks!


All that work for 1 quarter!  Really!  I remember when I tried to remove one of these vaults…..  I had power tools and stuff and I gave up!  I think if I gave the guy a whole day with a hammer and a chisel he couldn’t get it out.

Oh BTW I got the safe from the other car wash after a bulldozer knocked it out.

I HATE AT&T and I am NOT Kidding!


Okay I already made my proclamation about my hatred for AT&T.  Now I should give you a reason I guess?  It is very short and easy to fix.

I have a commercial phone line because that is really the only way (I guess) I can get credit cards cleared.  So I pay AT&T $63.94 for their great “commercial” service.  It is so much better then my home service……..  Wait I got rid of them, I forgot.  So I have had no problem with my phone I get over charged for “commercial” services like any “good” company would do.

BUT WHY AT&T DO YOU HAVE TO SELL MY ADDRESS TO EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH!!!!  I haven’t got any mail at my carwash for 5 year now I get mail all the time as soon as I got a phone line.  Oh and it is all just crap and they all know I am a business.  I wonder how that happened?  Weird.  My monthly payment should actually be cheaper then a “home” line because my address is apparently worth money.  I don’t see a credit on my bill for receiving bulk / junk mail.

So what I think I should do is post my address so everyone can enter the address into their bulk / sucker address list!

Here it is.   You can mail anything that slips under the door:  ES Car Wash, 271 Forest Road, Hueytown, AL 35023

If you want to send good stuff like cash and gifts try my po box at:  Eric Wilson, PO Box 48, Dolomite, AL 35061

Nothing exciting today


Nothing exciting today at the car wash but my sister sent in a story and a photo that I thought was interesting.

The first picture demonstrates why you need a safety lock for your windows in your car.  Anderson (my nephew) rolled down his window while the triple foam was going off in a carwash, getting triple foam all over himself.

The second picture is Wilson (another nephew) with a new hair cut.  My sister let him get a Mohawk and he loves it.  He looks super cool.

Orange juice and a tire


Someone decided to make orange juice with there car at my car wash, but did not clean up the mess (first picture).  I got a new tire (new to me) and 4 hub caps along with a rock (middle picture).  Lastly someone broke into my dumpster and dumped some stuff (last picture).

Merry Christmas!


Christmas for me is all about giving.  Giving stuff I found at the car wash like a Hueytown fast pitch softball jacket, a guard shirt and a “You, Too, Can Canoe” book by John Foshee (complete with notes).  We also gave a (new from the store) Star Wars MillenniumFalcon: the extra sticker and pieces addition.  What a great Christmas!