I got my Telco PA11B303T Magic Box this morning. I installed the new box and everything lit up (third picture). I tested the Water Wizard and everything worked great.
Telco Magic Box problem
I had my first paying customers that I have seen today but the only problem was the Water Wizard did not work right. The gantry boom would not go down during the wash and the wash would stop before the triple foam function.
About the problem: The Telco PA11B303T “magic box” works with the transmitting and receiving safety eyes located on the gantry and the cans on the front of the gantry. When the gantry safety eyes do not read a car the unit will not drop the boom, which was my problem. But the real problem was my Telco magic box when I switched the boxes the signal indicators were not lit and would follow the box. So I am going to over night a new magic box to get my automatic to work again.
Masonry block primer time
Safety-Kleen pit cleaning
Problem with the undercarriage
I am having a problem with my undercarriage staying on for only 6 seconds when it should stay on for 30 seconds. So the culprits are the entry banner eyes, what is weird is the eyes are giving 2 pulses when the eyes are blocked once. I swapped the eyes with the front treadle eyes and the undercarriage worked perfectly.
The Water Wizard uses the same Banner eyes for the front (treadle) and the back (entry, undercarriage). These eyes are in pairs with one receiver and a super duper laser emitter. The Banner emitter is the SM306EQ and the receiver is the SM30SN6RQ.
Program a IDX X-10 coin acceptor
I programmed my IDX X-10 coin acceptor to accept tokens today (in my Hamilton entry unit). It is really not that bad; just check out IDX’s crappy website at http://www.idxinc.com/learn.htm to lean how.
I made $5 and got 2 magnets!
Maintenance and repair
First Water Wizard Customer!
Proximity sensors problems again already?
William replaced the “home” prox today. The gantry was passing the “home prox target” (which is under the prox) and hitting the end of the rail. So this is an easy prox to troubleshoot because the unit will just stop and be at the end of the track. While William was installing the sensor he did have to adjust it to make it closer to the target because the gantry would miss the target and hit the end of the rail. While reading the specs on the inductive sensor you have only 15mm sensing range, so this was our problem.
Again: The Jim Coleman model number is 6626 and the Turck model number is Ni15U-EM18WD-AN6X-H1141 id number is M1634835 . If you want to look at all the Water Wizard parts for some reason check out this.