Thanks to Carolyn for reminding me to fix my burnt out bulb, I totally forgot about it. Also, thanks to Greg for the bulb.
Cool or lame?
Ultra 12GB SpaceStation USB Flash Drives
This has got to be the coolest product ever or the lamest. This would be really cool if your security system could accept usb flash drives (one of mine can). Then you could put seperate events on seperate drives. Or you could just get a really large flash drive (I have a 4gb flash drive).
It’s official!
Tiny Grainger catalog
Self Cleaning Solenoid?
Sensortron problem
NewNetMail is the “1st Email Replacement System!”. What? I thought everyone started with Prodigy or AOL and now uses Yahoo, Microsoft Live, or Google web mail? Also, what kind of email service has an affiliation program? Who can say “thank goodness that truck drove by; now I have the best email service”? I know! I can! Now I have a private email account no one will know about or ever use.
The other signs that are on the truck were and
Nice! “Unix Heritage Society”
I really like graffiti, just on someone else’s property. I was trying to decipher the graffiti and ignoring the dots; I think I figured it out. “TUHS” Which is “The Unix Heritage Society” tell me what you think it is.
Why did the paint come off the “Paint Remover” bottle better then the brick?
“Wreck Boyz” or the “Wreck Squad”?
Someone spray painted “CRTP” from the “Cultural Restoration Tourism Project” on this house. Which is interesting because I would think they would not hang with the “Wreck Boys”. Or either it was “crip” with the top of the “T” spray painted out. Also they spay painted “OBluE” because the paint is blue.
The “Wreck Squad” will “wrak” things! Is the gang’s name “Wreck Boyz” or the “Wreck Squad” or are there multiple gangs? I want to know!
Truck questions?
What makes a trailer “Super Heavy”? I would have to say all trailers would be “Super Heavy” because I can not lift any of them.
Ram 2500 “Big Horn Edition” I did not see any horns on the truck, like the second picture.