I tried to pull the garbage can out and it weighted a ton. It had a bunch of normal crap and about 30 Southern Home Grapefruit juices.
Nice mess
Chemical day
I made some chemicals today at the house. I used this spiffy push lock fitting to attach a hose to the hot water heater.
I think about 45 gallons of tire cleaner and high pressure soap is about all this little car will take. I am not very pleased with my new tire cleaner powder though and I will need to try something new. I also forgot what it was called so I hope I purchase the same product again. The high pressure soap is okay but I made it double the strength this time. (Kim Supply KCP9110-50 – Garnet Ultra-Wash)
Foam hose and Sensortron problem
Stupid crap
This Bellsouth phone booth has an interesting sign for not having a pay phone installed. The sign says “Out Of Order”, scary that someone even thought their should be a sign.
This Big Bird house/store is hoping that the Walmart that is “comming” down the street will make his location a “GREA” location. Whatever that means. I also like the other sign “MonthLy” Rent. I thought that $1,500 or $800 would be for a full year?
Why would you ever need to write on your car “not 4 sale”?
Rowe and Sensortron problems
Air Compressor problem
I figured out what was wrong with my Dad’s air compressor, it had no oil in it. So I purchased some compressor oil and it still does not work. All I have to do to get the compressor working is spin the pump pulley while flipping it on. This will start the compressor working. I guess since I ran the compressor without oil, the pump is ruined? Or is their a way to fix it?
Some annoying and fun problems
Why PVC is not always a great idea?
I had to replace the 1/2″ schedule 80 pvc elbow with a metal street elbow today, because of a small leak. I am going to replace the solenoid later so I did not replace all the pvc for now. I guess the weep solenoid (sprinkler system solenoid) may have worn out the pvc (from cutting on and off) and caused a small crack.
I also installed the last Flojet pump. Now I just need to put the last 2 Flojet pumps online.