Nice mess


The first 2 are from Hueytown and the last one is from Wylam.  I guess the person in Wylam did not know you were supposed to dump your garbage in the burnt down house across the street?

Chemical day


I made some chemicals today at the house.  I used this spiffy push lock fitting to attach a hose to the hot water heater.


I think about 45 gallons of tire cleaner and high pressure soap is about all this little car will take.  I am not very pleased with my new tire cleaner powder though and I will need to try something new.  I also forgot what it was called so I hope I purchase the same product again.  The high pressure soap is okay but I made it double the strength this time.  (Kim Supply KCP9110-50 – Garnet Ultra-Wash)

Foam hose and Sensortron problem


Pretty nice busted hose for my foam brush.  When the bay wall is covered in chemical it is always bad.


The first picture shows the Sensortron spring sprung off.  This caused the magic quarter to fall out and the coin acceptor did not work correctly. 

Stupid crap


This Bellsouth phone booth has an interesting sign for not having a pay phone installed. The sign says “Out Of Order”, scary that someone even thought their should be a sign.


This Big Bird house/store is hoping that the Walmart that is “comming” down the street will make his location a “GREA” location. Whatever that means.  I also like the other sign “MonthLy” Rent.  I thought that $1,500 or $800 would be for a full year?


Why would you ever need to write on your car “not 4 sale”?

Air Compressor problem


I figured out what was wrong with my Dad’s air compressor, it had no oil in it.  So I purchased some compressor oil and it still does not work.  All I have to do to get the compressor working is spin the pump pulley while flipping it on.  This will start the compressor working.  I guess since I ran the compressor without oil, the pump is ruined?  Or is their a way to fix it?

Some annoying and fun problems


I got to dig out pits at both of my carwashes, which is always fun.  I had a RO leak which rained on me when I was in the equipment room, which was fun.  Then I somehow got a stick stuck under my car, which was fun for a while.  But the sound of scratching gets a little annoying.

Why PVC is not always a great idea?


I had to replace the 1/2″ schedule 80 pvc elbow with a metal street elbow today, because of a small leak.  I am going to replace the solenoid later so I did not replace all the pvc for now.  I guess the weep solenoid (sprinkler system solenoid) may have worn out the pvc (from cutting on and off) and caused a small crack.


I also installed the last Flojet pump.  Now I just need to put the last 2 Flojet pumps online.

Best sign ever?


The sign reads:  “STOP NO TRESPASSING This is NOT A JUNK YARD Keep Your ASS OUT”

1)  If you have to clarify where you live is not a junk yard you might have a problem.

2)  If you have 5 cars and trucks and heavy equipment in plain sight……

3)  This actually writes itself no need to go on.  Send in yours.