Nothing cool today


Nothing at all cool happened today, but it was cold this morning.  What is with this weather?  Where is this global warming people have been talking about?  The pollen does seem like it is very heavy this year, so maybe this year will be good?

I like the mud guy with the “jack things” cleaning out the bed of his truck.  I just did not have the energy to confront anyone today, but I did meet an old friend BC.

Employee entry card


Someone dropped this employee idenification card at the car wash.  I was going to keep it just in case someone called.  I forgot to remove it from my car windshield before leaving to go home.  This is right when I remembered it, (I was on a bridge) shortly after it flew off on the bridge.

Air setup remodel?


While going to my daily trip to the Lowes, I saw these air couplers for $2.78 and realized that this would have been cheaper then using all the ball valves.  I would have used a lot less fittings and get the same functional purpose of the ball valves (if I set it up correctly).

Happy birthday party!


I got to go to a 1 year old’s birthday party (sorry you were not invited).  The first picture is before she eats the cake.  The second picture shows the kid opening the presents (green arrow) and the birthday girl who gets the presents (red arrow).