I believe the vet visits get more expensive the older the dog gets. She is 12 years old and according to the new dog age chart she is 77.
Jim Coleman actually gave me my vacuum back!
It took a little while (November 23rd, 2005 http://cwguy.com/?p=80) but Jim Coleman himself fixed my shampoo tank that was leaking (Disclaimer: I am not really sure if Jim actually fixed my vacuum). To my understanding, it was actually the distributors fault that it took over 2 years to fix, but the last 2-3 months of it was my fault. But, I got my vacuum fixed under warranty. YEA!
I believe the customer has to pay for the shipping of the vacuum but they were supposed to ship it on a Coleman truck when they did their drop off (which is only every couple months, but it would be free). I am very happy I got the vacuum back after I thought maybe they lost it.
Air compressor problem
My sister sent me some pictures of a car wash on her travels.
This car wash was located next to the wharf in Orange Beach. Looks like a really nice car wash and I like the little kid tricycle tied up in the tree with christmas lights. Nice touch.
I like the changer sign in the first picture. The second picture shows the Coke machine on the left and the equipment room roof. I guess they remodeled the car wash and they “raised the roof”.
Please send in your pictures of your car wash and I will post them.
Biker gang, OH NO!
Twice the ICE – Garbage problem
How to fix a GinSan Sensortron?
I really like his magnetic sign “WE SHOW UP”. That really means a lot if you have tried to get an estimate from someone.
I believe that this guy has a theme going: “One Man & A Toolbox”, and his tag “ONE MAN”, and his web site www.handymen.tv
Nice furniture?
How not to remove a pulley? – Update
After Mep1 told me I was heating up the wrong thing, I took his advise and heated up the pulley this time. I believe that my problem is the wheel puller end that goes on the shaft is too fat? The last picture shows the furthest I can pull the pulley off.
I also beat the pulley with a hammer after a chunk of the pulley flew off and I picked it up like I was retarded.