This has become the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Sure stuff produced in Japan is great! Japan is NOT china!
My point…. this argument is as dumb as comparing Canon and Nikon dslr cameras…. even though technically Nikon is better for still pictures! LOL 🙂 Apparently, Canon is better for video? But purchasing a dslr for video is like purchasing an apple iphone as a smart phone. It just makes no logical since…. why not purchase a professional Canon video camera which is designed to record video? (Plus why support China and Apple? Also their product is not good.)
So my point…. I remember going to car wash trade shows and seeing the Arimitsu booths…. long long ago. 🙂 They have a line of pumps…. but none of them actually compare directly to the main self serve 310 Cat Pump. Which actually might be their strategy at making you purchase their more expensive Arimitsu 516 pump? But after anyone compares and contrasts the differences between the Cat pumps and the Arimitsu pumps. The comparison comes down to this: (All prices quoted from KR which is where I would purchase it from.)
Arimitsu 313 |
4 GPM |
1500 PSI |
$535.80 |
Seal kit: $91.50 |
Arimitsu 516 |
4 GPM |
2300 PSI |
$705.00 |
Seal kit: $94.55 |
Arimitsu 516 |
With Rails |
$756.70 |
Seal kit: $94.55 |
Cat 310 |
4 GPM |
2200 PSI |
$635.99 |
Seal kit: $77.72 |
Cat 530 |
5 GPM |
2500 PSI |
$993.70 |
Seal kit: $78.30 |
Cat 5CP2120W |
4 GPM |
2500 PSI |
$565.00 |
Seal kit: $81.78 |
Arimitsu 516 |
In 2007 |
$484.44 |
Increase: |
$220.56 8 years |
Arimitsu 516 |
In 2009 |
$531.10 |
Increase: |
$173.90 6 years |
Cat 310 |
In 2009 |
$610 |
Increase: |
$24.99 6 years |
So the question no one can answer…. Why pick Arimitsu 313 over a Cat 310…. When you are going to run your pump at > 1200 psi and around 3-4 gpm? Also the Arimitsu 313 is cheaper and is quoted as a replacement for the Cat 310 but…. It would be a terrible replacement. Would you really purchase a pump that maxes out at 1500 psi if you run your pump at 1200 psi or higher? That is why everyone eventually determines you need the 516. Thus…. the Arimitsu cost more and the seal kit also cost more. Okay…. Soooo why are the Arimitsu pumps better then Cat again? Besides maybe being quieter then the Cat 310?
Now in 2007…. when the Arimitsu pumps WERE CHEAPER then the Cat pumps. (I could only find a price I wrote down from 2009 for the 310 Cat pump but that was Arimitsu’s marketing…. also that their seal kits were cheaper.) I do understand why people will replace a pump because they have a 30 year old Cat pump and they want to replace it with the same Cat pump. I totally understand that. Now…. replacing a 30 year old Cat pump that caused no trouble with a pump you never heard of that cost the same or more? It is like shopping for a 65k Mercedes then purchasing a 70k Hyundai…. sure they cost about the same and drive the same. But you should probably purchase a Honda…. what were we talking about? LOL 🙂 This seems like just replacing a manufacturer for fun…. unless you replaced all your pumps. If you do not replace all your pumps…. now you will have to maintain 2 brands of pumps. WOW maintaining 2 brands makes this an even worse idea!
Now I know since all car wash owners are cheap…. someone out there purchased a Giant high pressure pump. I like them they are RED! I am not kidding…. I am more interested how long a Giant pump or some other cheap pump will last then some expensive Cat or Arimitsu pump does. Who cares if your Cat or Arimitsu pump is maintenance free since 2007! LOL 🙂 Impressed I am not.
Also another thing about Arimitsu…. apparently you can call them and they try and cut out the middle man (everyone that purchased an Arimitsu seems to mention this). So it might be cheaper from “Greg”. Which is usually a really bad business strategy…. Fragramatics anyone? 🙂 But I also hate when companies make you go through distributors (which in theory SHOULD be better)…. like Unitec. So maybe you can not win with me? 🙂