International Carwash Association Trade Show 2010


From the makers of the Navigator (Pro Car Wash Equipment) they bring to you an interesting concept.  An express tunnel that will fit in a self serve bay!  Just add a conveyor and a pit.


Did you know that Sonny’s sells a friction and a touch free automatic?  Sonny’s I think is going to hire everyone in the industry and also put everyone else out of business.  If you watched the show floor the Sonny’s booth was where all the action was.  Even places like Kleen-Rite need to watch out!  Speaking of Kleen-Rite do you notice the thing on the right the touch free automatic?  Yes it is a Cobra that purple thing that Kleen-Rite use to sell.

International Carwash Association Trade Show 2010


I really liked this product.  This could replace your neon and stand up to vandalism better.  I lost their show specials but their website says $500 for 100 foot roll.  SunLitz LEDs  by Rain Tunnel not really sure about their name.  SunLiz?  What is that suppose to be Sunled?


I really liked this product!  But he did not have any brochures and business cards so I wrote in on one of my cards and I lost it.  But you can set up the credit card processing through anyone unlike Etowah Valley’s system and you can also get a Hamilton credit card reader for it I think it costs around $2800?  The system is for 6 ports and it costs around $6000?  All it uses is 1 cat5 run to connect and high speed internet and you can repair the credit card reader!


Now I am going to have to try some Microcoin coin acceptors.  These seem great!  But if you look above the coin acceptor there is a little black box.  That is part of the coin acceptor…… that is CRAPPY!  But everything else sounds great.  No tool opening to clear jams and seems easy to program.  Will not jam with really crappy coins, it has a 2 year warranty, and it can be repaired reasonably unlike IDX  X-10 (the guy said $60-$80).  Plus you can program tons of coins and it is not that bad of a price (retails for $219.95).

International Carwash Association Trade Show 2010


First day of the ICA show!


They made a new rule this year for certain people that go around and solicit businesses for sales / advertising, but they did not enforce it.  It is really a big problem and I guess you would just have to turn them in?

I really didn’t do anything today besides talk to people and really didn’t get around to taking that many pictures.


This is a view from my window.  If you like tennis I guess it is okay?

International Carwash Association Trade Show 2010


These pictures show the beautiful Birmingham Alabama International Airport.  Do flights even go international directly from Birmingham?  Or by international do they mean around our nation?  So it should be Birmingham National Airport?  I don’t know but I do know that I have a direct flight to Las Vegas, which is awesome!

$92 of Good Stuff!


Someone must have left this great stuff by accident!  Look at all this stuff $92 of stuff to be exact!  Now I can make my bed in 1990’s style!  I also always wanted pairs of “floral lace sheers” and a “lace extra wide sheer” to do sheer stuff with……….