I Know High Quality!


When I want high quality tools there is only one place to go….. Dollar Tree!  I want to make a new face plate for my Hamilton ACW-5 because I don’t want to give any more of my money to Hamilton.  So I purchased the fine tape measure today.  I love the Warning “Always wear protective which complies with current ansi standards”.  WHY?

Hamilton AutoCashier ACW-5


Do you know when you get the “Unexpected Coin Drop” error randomly that the Hamilton techs tell you to unplug the wire harness from the coin dispenser and plug it back in a couple times?

I also called Randy Nix who is a Hamilton rep and he told me that there was crap on the counter switch and that was the problem.

Guess which one was correct?  You know I really like Hamilton changers and I for some reason really want to like this acw-5.  But it is a true POS.  (and I don’t mean “Point of Sale”)……  I also hate Hamilton support.  I really believe that at least 1/2 the time they give you the wrong advice.  I know for a fact that one jerk told me to purchase the main wire harness (cost me around $100 and takes about 1-2 hours to install) then Heidi another tech said there was no way that was the problem.  Oh and if you have a problem she is the person to talk to.

“Did Your Doctor Say Salt Was Okay?”


Today I purchased a  double Big Jack artery clogger with no green crap and extra mayonnaise.  I went through the drive through because I don’t want any exercise getting my food!  I asked for salt for my fries (which I hope they use trans fat…).  The drive through lady said “Did your doctor say salt was okay?”  Actually my doctor probably said no double Big Jack before salt but that’s just me.

I Want My Case Quarter Back!


Greg taught me this foreign phrase, I am not sure of the origin.  The phrase “case quarter” apparently is referring to a actual quarter.  So if someone says “Can I get a case quarter?” that translates to:  “Hey I have two dimes and a nickel and a need a quarter!  Can you help me out?”  Oh and here is a Pro Tip for anyone that uses this “case quarter” phrase:  if you keep repeating it the other person isn’t all of a sudden going to understand what it means!



I don’t recall installing the wire harness like this……. maybe I did?  What was this person thinking?  If I just get this wire harness out I can…… wait a minute the person wasn’t thinking.  My bad!

Surprisingly everything still worked!

When Your GPS Device Tries to KILL!


The plan was to donate some stuff to a different thrift store near my car wash so I programed it into my gps.  Well, the gps took me a scary way past “D&W Convenience Store” that just started selling “Soulfood”.   But later down the road I saw another even scarier sign: “Vote Democratic”!  I have never seen one of these.  It hurt my eyes then someone gave me a check…. sweet!  Next I drove by the best business plan ever!  A Package Store called “Package Store” that also does “Budget Tax Returns” for $39.00!  Who isn’t looking for a budget tax return?


When I was in the thrift store I found a real treasure!  The original Reeboxs in the best color!  While driving away I spotted a rent to own place that buys gold and sells rims!  Yes!  The third picture is the owners car I guess?  I was hungry and brave so I went in Hardees, which didn’t want to be out done, so they had scary people and a bald spare tire randomly in the dining area?

25 x 25? WHAT? NOOOOOO!


What is wrong with our ac service company?  I don’t know their name but what kind of crappy service doesn’t have the correct filter?  Then they just bend up a larger one!  I really wouldn’t care but I somehow opened the thing up and looked at the filter size but didn’t notice the filter was bent up until after I purchased new filters which are the wrong size!

Okay this is probably just me….. carry on…. sorry.