What is a….. *ORIGINAL* Replacement Sensor for Dixmor Weep Mizer (TI0100) $40.00


  • 67WR20  Trimmer Resistors – Through Hole 3/8″ Squ 20 10%  DOC 3/8” Square Multiturn Cermet Trimming Potentiometer
  • LM234H (I believe?)  DOC TI LINK Temperature Sensor with Analog Current Source Output in TO-92    Update:  20151001  I am revising this to LM134H
  • Resistor…. 271 Ohms 2%  The last color is not really that important.  But the 3rd band might be Red?  I would need to check again.  🙂  Update:  20151001 I believe it is red, brown, brown.

Now I love Dixmor…. better then all other Car Wash companies combined. But their “Original” Sensor seems flawed?  I just happened to find 3-4 broken sensors today and I have been meaning to check them out.  Lets check out the pictures below.

So my hypothesis is…. In the “Original” design the temp sensor is exposed to the elements (The cap portion).  Moisture has to rust and corrode this part (mine has rust on it) and pretty much all the solder joints of the board (mine are all corroded it seems).  Even though the rest of the sensor is encapsulated with epoxy or something annoying?  I believe…. that the temperature sensor should be encapsulated also…. then maybe the sensor would be a better design?  As designed I believe this is terrible to be honest…. It “seems” like I am purchasing one every other year.  But I know that has to be an exaggeration!  LOL 🙂  Update:  20151001  I do have 2 washes and I am in the south.