Let’s be honest here…. Doesn’t everyone tell us what to do? Doesn’t it get worse every day? Especially if you are married…. Am I WRONG! Now it is Budweiser!
Maybe I do not want to “RISE UP” and get another frosty beverage! But maybe I do!
Plus why is BUD LIGHT RED!
So I was getting a non or alcoholic beverage (I forgot ) that said something on it today…. “RISE UP”…. What? RISE UP against the crappy service you receive at Express Car Washes? Everyone should just go to a Self Serve Car Washes right Budweiser? Okay…. Or full service. I think this is what Budweiser was saying?!
Did you guys think I was going to comment on the National Anthem thing? Like I would make a statement that Budweiser was telling temporarily rich random people to rise for the National Anthem? Please…. I just realized the NFL was still playing games. I mean they disbanded the NBA after Jordan right?