OLD: PO Box 361
NEW: 1809 Riverchase Drive #361
Apparently this feature has been out over 6 year? You can tell USPS is not competitive at all! LOL 🙂 Maybe they should advertise or tell you about their features? Like online shipping and “A Boxes” and “B Boxes”? Maybe this would make them more money? But why bother when more income just means more work? 🙂
Also why is it a problem if you add “suite” or “apt” in front of your number instead of the required “#”…. This will make them return the item? I doubt my PO would do it…. It would require more work! (Walking further.) 🙂 Also why would they honestly care if you are claiming it as your physical residence or place of business in legal documents? (The PO is making you SIGN A DOCUMENT SAYING YOU WILL NOT DO THIS?) Sure on legal documents it might say no PO Boxes and obviously it is a PO Box but why would you have to sign something at the PO? It is really none of their business if you are breaking the rules or laws on other contracts?
Well I have renewed my PO Box multiple times for years and have never seen this option…. I believe they just added it? It might have always been there…. It is pretty cool but I am really not impressed honestly. (UPS stores have had this feature since I was in college…. 75 years ago. This was the reason they were always better. Well there are other reasons also.) But do not worry…. If I want to enable this feature (which I would probably never use anyway) I would need to sign a document and sit in line and give it to someone…. Then in a month or so I will need to sit in line again and give another signed document to someone…. Then in another month…. Call which actually might be worse…. Plus my PO Box number is so bad! It is 6 digits! What a joke…. You could not even pretend you lived in an apartment or office building…. Well not in Birmingham at least. (Even being the 49th largest metropolitan area in the US 2013.)