Wife: “Can you drill holes in this for my friend?”
Me: “Sure what size?”
Wife: “Just drill normal size.”
Me: “So what size is normal size?”
Wife: “Just the standard size drill bit.”
Me: “You do realize that drill bits come in literally every size?”
Wife: “But there has to be a standard size.”
Me: “Sure I will use that size….. LOL :)”
I actually “LOL” also…. It is an actual quote.
The funny part is I ended up using a 3/4″ drill bit…. Which I would hate to jump to conclusions but is not very standard. LOL Maybe in woodworking? But I am not a carpenter by any stretch!
BTW The last set of bits I purchased did not even have this standard bit.
Walter HSS 01E618
(Oh yeah…. I made this with all my wooding skills. I attached a wooden table on top and it is a trendy standing desk (you know you want one also! LINK example) They are actually great for working in the basement or work shop…. work bench. It was a good project.)
BTW if you know of a better bit set let me know. I do really like the Walter set though. I usually purchase crap from HD in the past.
I also had a discussion recently which made me wonder why someone goes back and forth so many times to act like they have knowledge on a topic. It is okay to not know everything. Listening and asking questions helps you learn things. Making up stuff gets you in trouble most of the time. Listening…. Is actually the reason I purchased used equipment from people…. I did not realize I was purchasing used equipment from a distributor. I asked questions and listened…. Listening when talking to someone that knows more then you…. this will help you learn even more. I did. (I thought I was purchasing refurbed equipment and the equipment could have been…. but refurbed it a funny word. I can use compressed air to refub something? LOL
Or an actually manufacturer could refub something…. There nmight be a difference? Might not?)