Disclaimer…. Note I did not post the “service provider’s name”…. So I am not disclosing this place.  I also do not know if the claim from Rowe is correct or if it is ever relevant with today’s information?  I am just making no claims here at all.  Just very humorous opinions…. That I personally have concluded over some statements over the years.  🙂
So…. someone just happen to tell me this place provided me counterfeit Rowe parts. http://cwguy.com/?p=2570  The only facts here are…. When Tom Kozlik (from Rowe at the time) told me where I should get my BA-50 serviced I actually listened.  I also never had crap performance out of my Rowe bill acceptors again…. that is a fact.
Back to the email that made me LOL.
Over the last couple of years, we have been having great troubles with what we see as erratic, inconsistent repair parts that we get from Rowe for the BA50 transport. We continue to struggle with this situation, and the inconsistent results it causes. If this situation doesn’t clear-up soon; we may be forced to stop doing BA50 repairs altogether.
I got this email today…. I remember from back in 2008 when at an ICA show. (Again…. It might not be relevant anymore.) But it is a little ironic how the same place that emailed me use to use non-Rowe belts? But now claims that everything is all Rowe’s fault? 🙂 So this place is blaming Rowe for the counterfeit belts they purchase? LOL 🙂 Again usually business practices do not change (from purchasing China knock offs to legit parts?  Rowe parts may be from China…. you get the idea though.  🙂 ) but they might use Rowe parts now?  Just saying I feel like this place at the time should have disclosed they used counterfeit Rowe parts.  Their prices were the same and I feel cheated to be honest….. for the crap performance.  Lets just say I would have paid twice as much to get someone else to service my acceptors if I knew my Dad’s advice was so bad.  Sure I should have known better I guess…. but everyone I ever ask says Rowe BA-50 acceptors are crap.  Makes me wonder now about that guy at the Rowe booth saying he loves the acceptors and how reliable they are.  If that guy or you sent them to Rowe for service you would love them!  Funny how crappy aftermarket service or maybe even aftermarket products can create hatred for a product.
The irony of the Rowe BA-50….  The true irony about maintaining a BA-50 acceptor is there are just better products out there!  Yes the BA-50 works if it is service correctly…. does it still have issues…. Yes.  I also use MARS acceptors…. which with real or counterfeit belts (not sure what I purchased 🙂 ) you can even maintain and fix it yourself.