

I have always liked the i-wash setup and I am trying to get some more information on their product to do a little review on their product.  Don Scordo (president of iwash) sent me these pictures of their equipment.  The first picture is a 4 bay setup, I really love how compact and clean it is.  (A little nicer setup then mine.)  The second picture is their factory floor and the third picture is a 6 bay but I am not really sure why it is so large?

I also like their meter boxes but you will have to go to their web site at www.iwash.biz then i-wash then brochure. 

Question?  I am trying to remember the name of a vendor that sells a system which just uses injectors to deliver the products.  They also vend about 14 different products.  If someone could tell me the name of the company I could send you a prize?  Like a smelly baseball cap or something?

One Reply to “www.iwash.biz”

  1. The third picture has a ryko signature series self serve system sitting next to it. That is why it looks big. Btw, great blog.

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