Expand Wylam? Update


My wife was second guessing the decision to build anything nice in Wylam.  I told her there were lots of houses that were nice in Wylam.  This being one of them.  It also won the "Keep Birmingham Beautiful Commission Award".


She then reminded me of the house across the street from the wash.  Also, the one down the street.  She is so negative.

Expand Wylam?


They want to build more houses where?  Yes, they want to rezone land to build more houses in Wylam.  The arrow shows where my wash is.  Wylam Oaks Residential Development

Mega time sign


I want to change my prices from $1.50 for 4 minutes to $1.75 for 4 minutes.  The “$1.50″ part is 2″ high and 3 1/2″ long.  The $0.50 part is 1 3/4”.  I also need to purchase new stickers for my meter doors.

New competition


I am not sure if they actually clean cars but the sign says:  "CAR WASH EXPRESS $5.00 SUV & Truck Wash Express $7.00 – $9.00 Come to the Side Entrance and blow your horn for service.  Also, we accept appointments and offer Free Pick-up and Delivery"  36th street in Wylam