Motor starter problem


I guess I need to replace this motor starter?  The last time it happened was five to six weeks ago.


Also, my question for today is:  Why does everyone always claim to loose $5.00 when something it broken?  It sure looked like $1.50 but that is just me.  Also, at Hueytown were it is $4.00 for 20 minutes, they still claim they put in $5.00.

Camera problem again


I figured out the problem has to be related with the power cable run?  I can not plug the power line into the power box (either one) because it will blow a fuse.  If I use a 12v  wall wart power supply, magic.  I am using my psx to fine tune the adjustments.

New stuff at the tunnel


Greg installed some fancy buttons.  One to open the gate, fleet, express, deluxe and super.  They are mounted inside so the employees can log when they press the buttons.  The computer also logs the button presses separately.


Also, some ear muffs and some gloves for when it gets cold.

Replaced broken camera


I replaced one camera today.  Also, figured out a power problem for another camera.


Also, I figured out the new cameras I purchased will not fit in the old housings.  So I need to order two new housings, then all the housings will be the same size.