I had to transfer the information on to a dvd for the Police today. It was loads of fun. I did not get a chance to look at the video though. Maybe tomorrow.
X10 died
I had one of my X10 coin acceptors die today. At least I think it died. There was no light at all and I tried to program it twice. It would reject the coins when trying to program. Also, cut the power to it and nothing seemed to help.
I had an extra X10 which was not programed so Greg told me how to program the X10. It is pretty easy after you know how to do it. 1) Open the X10, 2) Put the dial on 4 (I am not sure why except Greg told me to.), 3) Push the button once (This is the number of pulses the coin will be.), 4) Switch the dial back to zero, 5) Run six coins through (Greg said to use separate coins not the same one. Also, the coins should go through the X10 like it is accepting the coins.), 6) The X10 will blink or something, 7) Done
Someone tried to kill my vacuum last night
I updated my previous post on the gun shot through my equipment door. (June 9th) I took some pictures of how large the dent was.
New equipment idea – Setting up dilution tank
Mcadory Car Wash
Water Wizard Hydrominder problem
New equipment idea – move low pressure wires
New equipment idea – move low pressure hoses
Hydrominder problem – Again
Hydrominder problem – Again
This is always bad to see chemical and water running out of the equipment room. Greg called for his brother, who drove by my wash to notice my problem. It seems to always happen just when I get home.
One good thing was that it cleaned up its own mess by running water to remove the chemical.
The very bad news was I just put a new tire cleaner chemical bucket on-line. It drank the whole thing. Which is bad.