I purchased these FloJet pumps with motors a loooooong time ago and today I decided to try them out. They actually worked! I am thinking of installing the 3 x 35-OM pumps at Wylam to replace my FloJet air pumps. The only problem it I need a presser switch.
The Great City of Wylam
So if the estimated population for the zip code of Wylam is 6,600 in 2008,is everyone in the whole city going back to school? I guess they are going to bus people in from miles around! Not sure why they picked Wylam for the location though?
Enrollment Statistics for Wylam Schools?
Population for the Wylam zip code
Pine Straw Anyone?
Foam brush problem in Wylam!
Osborn Hardware in Wylam
Icy Trash
Not again!
GMC FALCUITY – A Wylam / Birmingham group
Someone threw GMC Falcuity’s cd (demo?) on the ground at the car wash today. I will listen to anything that is not scratched up, so I was suprised because they were really good for a local group. They had very good studio work on their songs. You can check out their songs at: http://www.myspace.com/gmcfalcuity