Well Marcus gave me a BC-200 Rowe changer that is new to me, but it has been used. I really appreciate Marcus for giving me the changer as well as all the other parts he has given me in the past! Thanks Marcus!
Are Rowe Changer™s Safe and Secure? Update
I just so happen to have a spare BC-200 in my basement that I got from my Dad instead of him THROWING IT AWAY (Which is what I would like to do!). So I took the front skin off and installed it at the carwash. I have some more work to do like installing the high security plate that I purchased from Kleen-Rite ,which I hope they have in stock or it will take them FOREVER! Have you noticed that Kleen-Rite seems to backorder more stuff now like Procon pumps and Hydrominder tips?
Rowe Changer’s Safe and Secure?
I understand if you give someone enough time anyone can get into a changer. But the way the Rowe changer is designed even installing the high security plate for the BC-1400 does not help the BC-200. The plate was ripped off just like the front skin and the bill acceptor (ba-50) gets bashed, YEA! The problem is the brown metal box is made cheaply and was the weakest link, I will just leave it there.
Rowe changer $5 upgrade FYI
I am so excited that Scott Johnson from Suncoast Changer emailed me today! He said that the Rowe $5 software will be available next Monday (4/7). His web site is at billchangers.com which says it is a CCC computer upgrade kit (sells for $60).