Klean-Wall VS Mister Plumber ($1 Store Crap) – Update


Well after the head to head death match between Klean-Wall and Mister Plumber, I decided to purchase…….. Klean-Wall!  Why you ask?  Because it has a “corrosive” sticker on it.  It looks cooooool!  Oh and a warning label.  I forgot how much it costs but it was around $80 and I got it delivered free from a local guy!  Thanks Mike.

Klean-Wall VS Mister Plumber ($1 Store Crap)


I got a sample of Klean-Wall free from his website at apchemical.com and I purchased some Mister Plumber from some Dollar Store down the street.  The Fake Drano contains: water, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide and surfactants.  The Klean-Wall contains: magic.


Both sections look equally as bad.  The directions on the Klean-Wall said 3-5 minutes so I let both chemicals stay on 5 minutes.


The Klean-Wall after 5 minutes did a lot better job (first picture).  But the Fake Drano did a pretty good job.


I reapplied the Fake Drano and let it sit for 30 minutes.  It turned out a lot better but not as good as the Klean-Wall.  But for the price of the Fake Drano maybe you should try Fake Drano over Klean-Wall?

Drain clog again?


I had to take out the high pressure drain setup today to try and clear a clog.  I think I need to get the motorized plumber snake out to fix this one.  Sounds like fun right?

Plumber – Update


The plumber completed the job today!  The last picture is how the plumber connected the pex to the copper and used one of my buckets.  Not really sure what I expected but a bucket?

The second picture shows where the copper pigtail ends and the pex line (3/4″) starts.  The pex then runs straight up from where the black top and the dirt touch, then it goes around the equipment room and in.  It ended up that the water line was pvc and not copper.

What do you get for $850?


The first 2 pictures are the plumber locating the water line.  The last picture is a fancy device that helps spot water leaks or that is what he claims it was (looks like headphones and a weight on a roap).  You walk in a line with the device and then walk in circles around the building’s concrete foundation.  Seriously though you can guess where the leak is: it is under the building’s concrete foundation.  The plumber was saying that the water line is so deep that he guesses he would have to rip out a huge area outside and inside the equipment room.  Fun.

So the plan is to run a new water line and forget about the crappy copper line.