I forgot to install the fourth bay to the weep system so I did that today. For some reason the equipment only had 3 connected to the weep system.
Time for the weep system
Moody tear down fun?
Tons of hoses from the automatic and some signs on top.
Some Mark 7 self serve equipment, 3 1/2 bays.
Some Jim Coleman equipment, spot free, bug remover, and triple shine units. We took 2 loads of stuff today and more fun scheduled for tomorrow. All I need to do is find a use for all this stuff or sell it!
That took all day?
I technically hooked the last 2 bays up, so I have all 4 bays working off the Coleman equipment. The setup will not win any beauty contests. I did have a wire problem that was giving me a constant coin pulse to the timer. I had to swap some wires a long time ago because of a wire short, which cause me to have to retrace all the wires today. FUN. All this crap needs to be redone: we will see when that happens because it works now.