William, was fixing a broken under carriage hose today. Looked like fun.
Tire cleaner hose problem
The first problem was the bent deformed presoak hose. Then I could not even tell where the break was on the tire cleaner hose. So I had to turn it on. Then I saw the problem.
Hamilton changer problem update
Another 29 bills were accepted today. I think it might be fixed now. Which would be good. I do not know how anyone could run a wash with only one changer.
Pump problem?
Today, I had a chance to look at the pump and the water supply. I disconnected the inlet side to the pump. Nothing came out. Then I took off the check valve and water then came out. I checked out the check valve and everything looked okay except some crap in it. Maybe that is what messed up the spring? Anyway I put the check valve on again and everything worked okay.
RO Water problem
I noticed that the steel beams were leaking from the right bays. I then noticed that the ro water hose was just cracked off from who knows. The interesting thing is that the connection to the check valve was 1/4 and the hose was 3/8. There was a huge bundle of hoses so I just replaced the hose with 1/4 hose.
RO Water problem
Water was running down the left side of the equipment room. I assumed it was from the left bays. I found a small linking fitting and replaced. This did not fix the problem.
RO Water problem
Elbow fitting was broken. Replaced with a 3/8 fitting then lated changed to 1/4.
Vacuum problems
Three vac problems in one week. People sucking up stuff and wanting it back.
1) Some guy called me and said he sucked up his keys two weeks earlier. He was not really sure which vac and he wanted me to look for them. (Hueytown)
2) A lady sucked up her dentures. She for some reason wanted them back. Maybe to eat. (9th Avenue)
3) A guy sucked up a $20 bill and I guess wanted it back. I looked and good luck finding it. (Allison Bonnett)
Pump problem?
I am not sure what the problem is but the pump is not getting pressure. The pump and the motor are running and no water is comming out. I also had a hose brake in that bay. It was late and raining so I gave up. The wash won today but I will be back tommorrow.
Hamilton changer problem update
The changer worked without a problem and it accepted 39 bills. I hope it was the dirty wheels.