RO water overflow again.
Rumore™s rehab
Rowe changer problem
EXTRA COIN-L HOP I guess it paid out to much money.
Storage tank
Put a weight on the float valve to help it not over flow.
Storage tank
Cleaned my second tank today.
Coin acceptor broken
Coin acceptor will not accept coins. My Dad said the censers was messed up and he pressed it back together and worked okay.
Hamilton changer problem
Bill jam.
Storage tank
Put a weight on the float valve to help it not over flow.
Rumore™s stuff
Today, I got four vacuums from Rumore’s and cleaned out the bath room full of tanks and stuff. Also, I brought my old storage tank home.
Rowe changer problem
“EXTRA COIN-L HOP” I guess it paid out to much money.