Another sign


I have been nice leaving up signs on the lot.  But today they threw the sign in my garbage can.  Of course it is the only thing that fit and everyone threw garbage everywhere. 

Stop, Hammer time


Here comes two real winners.  Looks like one has something in his hand.


Not sure what this guys technique was.


This structural engineer tried the "punch it with his fist" method.  Brilliant, I would think it would have busted wide open after that.


This moron tried again.  I believe he used a hammer, not sure.  Before they were done they broke the light, hit one of the vendors and hit the camera a couple times.


Then to prove how tough and bad ass they were, they got run off by one little kid and two women.



Not sure where these brain surgeons work but they must live up the street because they walked.  E03

Unloader problem? – Update


I completed the unloader replacement project.  I need to replace the blue high pressure hose and the weep is not connected.  My weep problem is because I cross threaded a crappy plastic connector.  But the high pressure is very good.


I did have another problem with a high pressure tip.  This was a new tip and was clogged or something.  I am not sure.


This is the comparison between the two setups.  Also, no project is complete with out this happening, everytime.
