My Rowe International changer problem, again!


My Rowe International changer had a unique problem today, which I never had before.  The CCC error was “VALIDATING” and the transporter was just running non-stop and no bills were in the changer or were accepted since my last visit.

Using Rowe International seems so much more official then plain old Rowe changer.  I think maybe if I respect the changer maybe it will work for a couple days without any problems?

Can a fuse be swapped with a breaker?


I had a Fragramatics vacuum blow its fuse (FNM-30), which is a time delay.  I know that the Coleman vacuums use a breaker (not sure what kind) and not a fuse.  So my question would be: could I just swap them out?  I do realize that the breaker will not fit in the fuse holder (I did have that shape discovery toy as a child).


Why I hate the Apple iphone?


Well the iphone ruined these great pictures (or was it my finger)?  These pictures are of the Police searching for something that the person with the handcuffs threw out the window of his car.  This is why you should always obey the “No Littering” sign and keep that Wendys cup in your car!

Problems after I got back


The security camera dvr decided it wanted some attention.  It wanted some  “hdd reconstruction”, sounds like fun.  My Rowe changer also quit working with a “REJECT-BILL S” or “REJECT-BILL 5” error?  The funny thing about the error is that it is not in the Rowe manual. 

I also talked to the Rowe booth distributors and have some more information to post later.  Also a demo of how to change out the non-existing $5 bill upgrade board.


At my other wash I pulled up to an abandoned car.

Tire cleaner leak


Don’t you hate it when you see a leak and when you turn off the function you can not find the problem?  It seems to always happen to me and I think it is about time to purchase all new hoses for the wash.

It is that time of year again!


No, not pollen season, it is TAX TIME!  I went to the Tax Women and I really did not realize how crappy last year was.  I have some excuses like drought and 2 express washes opened a mile away.  But it was just not a good year for me.

The last picture is my “Journal”.  I kick it old school unlike Allan Branch.  With his lessaccounting online accounting fancy thing, which is connected to those tubes the kids are talking about.