The hydrominder was sputtering when the water was on. The hydrominder also was not pulling any chemical and the tank was all water. Turned the water off then on again and it started working fine.
Security computer broken
Bad day for the roll-up door
Stop, Hammer time
Here comes two real winners. Looks like one has something in his hand.
Not sure what this guys technique was.
This structural engineer tried the "punch it with his fist" method. Brilliant, I would think it would have busted wide open after that.
This moron tried again. I believe he used a hammer, not sure. Before they were done they broke the light, hit one of the vendors and hit the camera a couple times.
Then to prove how tough and bad ass they were, they got run off by one little kid and two women.
Not sure where these brain surgeons work but they must live up the street because they walked. E03