High pressure hose problem


High pressure hose burst and of course it burst and the water shoots directly on the computer.  Super duper luck!  Also, a motor starter tripped, just took the blue pill (blue button) and everything was okay.  Also, I left my grinder at home.  Cool.

Cut the lawn and tried to weed eat


I cut the grass which was fun then tried to weed eat the side.  Of course the weed eater (Black & Decker Grass Hog XP) was out of string, so off to Lowes.


It took 2 trips to Lowes and I still did not get it to work.  The Grass Gator electric version 6650 does not fit on the weed eater, neither does the 4650 gas version, but the 8010 gas version seems to kind of fit.


Well it fits perfectly but I need to purchase a screw or a washer to attach it and I did not want to go to Lowes 3 time in one day.

So the question is:  Does a Grass Gator gas version fit the Black and Decker Grass Hog XP?  Well yes kind of, after you purchase some extra parts.

Rowe changer problem


Someone was trying to break into my Rowe changer?  Now the changer does not like money anymore (rejects bills – error message “REJECT-BILL (E)).  Also why does every description in the manual ends with “Replace the CCC”?