I got a call telling me that all my bays were broken and green chemical was pouring out of the equipment room. Only one hose was busted but it did make a mess inside.
Miscellaneous crap of the day
High pressure hose problem
High pressure gun problems
Laurel Vendor problem
The coin acceptor had a coin jam. I am always amazed how a mechanical coin acceptor can last 100 years and an IDX only can last 1 year.
The first arrow is the last product indicator and the second picture is how the customer pulls out the product they purchased. The last picture is the same as the first.
The first picture is the last product indicator in place. The second and third picture is how the product dispenser is setup. Also, the problem with the coin jam was crap on 2 quarters.
Meter box problems
I think the problem occured because someone tried to open the meter boxes again. The bike rope slid under the coin acceptors making them jam; also cracking off the coin funnel. The fix?
I crossed the bike rope so it could not slide under the coin acceptors. You know, the opposite of what the Ghostbushers would do (don’t cross the streams). I need to fix the meter door locks because I guess the gap is to tempting?
Foam brush problem
Vandalism and thief of 50 cents – Update
Foam brush problem
Vandalism and thief of 50 cents
Meter box 1, they killed my Sensortron and stole the quarter.
Meter box 2, just a stolen quarter. Meter box 3, they bent the rod thing but did not get in.
They almost got the vendor off the wall. Good thing they did not they would have hit the jackpot $6.00.
Bike lock on the meter doors? Yes that is what I used. Maybe I will try something different later?