I hate this Mitsubishi DVR but it was sure easy to fix. Just ran the “reconstruction” function then everything was okay. At least something was easy to fix.
Rowe changer problem
Broken Air Compressor
This is the worse thing that could happen besides the power being out. The air compressor decided to quit and the magic red button did not fix the problem.
I replaced the motor around January 1, 2006 so I guess it had a good run? The belt also looks like it needs to be replaced.
But I wanted to connect the emergency air compressor to the larger tank and I am not really sure how. I removed the air gauge and I can fill it from there? I need some hose to try out my theory. Maybe tomorrow.
How to change out Dremel brushes
This Dremel MultiPro is model 395 and you need to purchase the Dremel motor brushes 90930. So when the Dremel does not Dremel anymore, replace the brushes, just like your vacuum motors. Find the blue brush holders, there are 2 (last picture).
Unscrew it and remove the brushes to replace, pretty easy.
Rube Goldberg weep system
My Dixmore Weep Mizer DX1000 is not working correctly. I tested the Weep Mizer in my other wash Wylam and it would not turn on the solenoid. So I decided to wire a normally closed solenoid to the heater thermostat. This plan involved purchasing a Rain Bird (CP-075) irrigation solenoid, of course this solenoid runs off 24 volts. So I needed a 24 volt transformer to convert the 120 volts to 24 volts. I then used an extension cable to wire the system. Then magic everything works.
When I was trying to rewire the thermostat I ended up having to rewire the thermostat. I always love side projects.
Rowe changer problem
Another changer bill jam. Also someone was drinking Absolut Vodka? I am only suppost to get Boones Farm thrown around in Wylam. Error message was CK TRANSPORT VF.
Trouble shooting foam brush problems
1) Figure out that you are having a problem with your foam brush.
2) Check your air gauges to see if air is getting to the solenoids. (One of my air pressure gauges were broken and other only could get to 20 psi.)
3) Check the pump to see if it is pumping. (The pump would only pump randomly. The Sandpiper pump had to build up air pressure.)
4) Open your ears and listen for an air leak. (No air leak.)
5) Check the air pressure in the air compressor. (Was fine as 100 psi.)
6) Check air pressure at the air regulator coming out of the air compressor. (My gauge was broken so I swapped it out. Then when I had a working air pressure gauge I noticed the pressure was around 20 psi.) This indicates that you should try and add more pressure output. While performing this function the knob cracked off. (It had rusted out.)
7) If knob cracks off air regulator is bad. Replace air regulator and make sure you turn the air off first. (The End)
If you have different steps let me know.