Today, I removed one of my Jim Coleman vacuums. I had a leak in the shampoo tank. The bolts were welded to the base. Which was really fun to remove.
Quarter jam
Water Wizard problems
The wizard was blinking "Wash Selection" on the Unitec. Also, the "Please Wait" sign was lit and the wizard said to "Exit" and "Have a Nice Day". So I went inside to turn off then reset the wizard. This did not fix the problem because when I put in money and started the wash it started without a car entering. Which meant that an eye was bad.
Hamilton changer problem
Rowe changer problem
Air leak and tire cleaner
After the first freeze
I order hose to replace all low pressure. I had way to many problem with brittle old hose.
I also had a swivel break. A swivel saver break.
Then my high pressure soap was not working in one of my bays. I called Greg and he instructed me to turn down the water pressure and I would create a suction that would clean out the line. He was correct again and after runing with low water it started to work again.
But while I was in the proccess of fixing this problem. I broke the insulated lance. I had a band holding the high pressure on and it shot out of the holder.