You should pay attention


If you for instance are a manager for an Express Oil Change (store 00106-Riverchase) you should not throw your 2006 and 2007 monthly sales reports all over the place at a car wash.  It might end up on the internet and make you lose a chance for the “Super Prize”; a deluxe bbq grill or a $100 bonus.  On a side note, $30,717.16 a year on wiper blades? 


You also would want to pay attention to this van which states: “CAUTION this vehicle may wreck or explode for no apparent reason”.  The odd thing about this van was the driver was not female (just kidding).

Honda Fit out of gas


Have you ever wondered what a Honda Fit looked like out of gas?  Well here it is, kind of looks the same as when it has gas.  For anyone who has this car and runs out of gas, get 2 gallons of gas or it will not start.  The closest gas station only has a gallon tank and I had to make 2 trips to get the car to started.  Not fun.  It ran out of gas with 10,000 miles on it.



It is hard to capture the height of this truck.  I am not sure why you want a monster truck, maybe because it gets better gas mileage?

Now this person is a moron.


Not really sure what happened but some fake cops were hanging out next to it before my pictures.  There is also a security light on the top of the car and the Wal-Mart is in Bessemer off Academy Drive.  Looks like the moron hit a post in front of the store.