Last known photo of my Toyota hub cap for my Honda Fit


Well it’s official: I lost my Toyota hub cap again.  I think it is gone forever.  But I did find this 15 inch Toyota hub cap, too bad I need a 14 inch Toyota hub cap for my car.  Maybe I can trade someone?

I have very fond memories of my Toyota hub cap.  Like the time Greg was washing my car: he was showing off his tire cleaner and how well it worked.  It worked so well that large chunks of paint came off the hub cap.  You should have seen Greg’s face…those were the days.


NewNetMail is the “1st Email Replacement System!”.  What? I thought everyone started with Prodigy or AOL and now uses Yahoo, Microsoft Live, or Google web mail? Also, what kind of email service has an affiliation program? Who can say “thank goodness that truck drove by; now I have the best email service”? I know!  I can!  Now I have a private email account no one will know about or ever use.


The other signs that are on the truck were and

“Wreck Boyz” or the “Wreck Squad”?


Someone spray painted “CRTP” from the “Cultural Restoration Tourism Project” on this house. Which is interesting because I would think they would not hang with the “Wreck Boys”. Or either it was “crip” with the top of the “T” spray painted out.  Also they spay painted “OBluE” because the paint is blue.


The “Wreck Squad” will “wrak” things!  Is the gang’s name “Wreck Boyz” or the “Wreck Squad” or are there multiple gangs?  I want to know!