It is that time of year again!


No, not pollen season, it is TAX TIME!  I went to the Tax Women and I really did not realize how crappy last year was.  I have some excuses like drought and 2 express washes opened a mile away.  But it was just not a good year for me.

The last picture is my “Journal”.  I kick it old school unlike Allan Branch.  With his lessaccounting online accounting fancy thing, which is connected to those tubes the kids are talking about.

Public restroom?


This guy pulled up, stopped the car, started going to the restroom while shouting to a friend in another car then left.  The guy in the other car said it was because of the “chronic”?  Whatever that is?  By the time I figured out what was happening, he was gone.  I guess I need to install a new sign?

Great idea at RaceWay


I thought this was really a great idea.  This card allows you to swipe the card then go inside to pay via credit card or cash.  This is so you can start pumping gas before you pay.  The reason this is useful is they do not turn on any pumps until you pay cash or credit card.  But I want to use my credit card inside so I can charge my Jolt Cola and porn mags on the same bill.  What a dilemma!  They basically put you drivers license on file (not sure why they don’t use video cameras)?

Car wash supply purchase


I need to start documenting my purchases better so I do not purchase the same crappy products all the time.  So….first the FedEx guy gets my stuff off the truck…


The 2 powder chemicals that I purchased were:  1) JBS Hydro White Powdered Tire & Engine Cleaner from Kleen-Rite for $47.57 (JBBX5401).  2) JBS Frenzy Powdered Presoak from Kleen-Rite for $52.54 (JBBX5201).

I have already purchased this tire cleaner before and even though it says white it is yellow.  Also when you dilute it according to directions it is too weak.  So this is the cwguy tire cleaner mix.


First I added 30 gallons of hot water.  Next I opened the garbage bag and scooped out some powder.


I blended it all up and ran it for 30 minutes and pumped it out.  I think that I added the powder too fast because the last picture shows all that was left at the bottom.  It made a total of about 34 gallons.  I will let you know what it looks like when I use it.

Making powder presoak


This is JBS Frenzy Powdered Presoak from Kleen-Rite for $52.54 (JBBX5201).  This product looks just like the JBS tire cleaner.  It also looks the same when mixed up and it costs $5 more.  Now this might have been really stupid so check out what I did next.


I have gotten complaints every time the tire cleaner it not yellow and the presoak is the same color as the tire cleaner.  So I added some red hyper concentrate tri-foam to turn the color anything but yellow.  So I got orange and the last picture is all that was left in the drum.  This time I gradually added the powder instead of dumping it in faster.


Now I have around 46 gallons of ORANGE presoak.  That is a first?